I love this story

And what professionals they must have been…m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-21504112

I know that we shouldn’t applaud stuff like this, but you have to take your hat off to such slick operators, in and out in under 3 minutes, nobody hurt, and somewhere in excess of 30 mill in your pension fund.

I know some will bleat on about the terrible ordeal faced by the pilots who had guns waved in their faces, but I’d wager that the ordeal they’re going through in the police station as the cops desperately try to pin “insider” on them will be much worse and last a whole load longer!

I actually got a cold call on wednesday asking if I was interested in investing the Diamond Markets :laughing:
I politely told him that it was the wrong time to get people interested in buying his Diamonds at the moment ! :unamused: