i have a trivia question

and as said taking into consideration of all the regs that we as drivers have to work to there could be many answers to my question

There’s one thing having regs, rules, regulations and legislation. In practice they all work differently than how we percieve them or how they are meant to function.
At Wincanton in Middlewich last week a night driver worked Monday to Friday and done 53 hours (excluding breaks), on his return to the depot on Saturday morning he had done an 11 hour shift, he refused to do another run. He is contracted for 48 hours per week. Because he had refused to do any more he has been suspended and now faces a disciplinary hearing for not obeying instructions and failing to carry out a reasonable amount of overtime :smiley:
Wincanton overtime is now paid out yearly !!! Still, with all this legislation about, respect for family life etc…after 53 hours in a week ya still aint doing enough. Some EU ;legislation is concrete though !! You definately can’t smoke in a pub :smiley:

or your truck :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


But lets look at that how many time can you do 15 hour in a week

Seven in a fixed week.

You just wait until ROG gets up and looks at this, you’re going to be busy typing tomorrow :smiley:

so this is what i would of expected as a reply

“Del what context do you mean and have you considered all the regs or are you just pulling are legs” :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

I suspect the last part of that would be the correct reply :wink: :laughing:

But lets look at that how many time can you do 15 hour in a week

Six in a fixed week.

can you do 15 hours every day,

Yes, it is possible to do 15 hours every day.

OOOH - I’ve got to have a go at working this out :laughing: :laughing:

but after 4 attempts I’ve given up… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: