I guess I must be VERY lucky!

Passed my test on 8th December, got my licence back from being updated 21st December. Started looking for work (adds & agency) 4th January, start work (permanent) tomorrow with a second job offer confirmed when position becomes available in a month or so!

Please don’t think I’m bragging, I’m not. I was told there’s very little work out there at the moment and what there is, you’ll have to be experienced (2 years minimum) to stand a chance. This is what the agencies told me anyway! In the past three weeks, of the 5 or 6 agencies I registered with, 1 has given me 2 days work with local council on the bins & another 2 days with Royal Mail. I applied for everything within a 45 mile radius that I found on the Direct.Gov website & any online adds I could find (probably around 15 applications).

Out of these, I got 2 interviews & was successful with both of them! Why? Buggered if I know! I have virtually no experience (a few months 7.5t work 10 yrs ago) and I am the wrong side of my 40’s (though I think that worked in my favour).

Neither job is local to me though (around 45mins away each) and I was willing to apply for anything.

I guess what this shows is that I’m either a very, very lucky chap (best get myself a lotto ticket then) or there is work out there if you stick with it.

One thing I did do and I think it helped me greatly, was that I spent absolutely ages on my CV (not easy as most of my previous CV was useless as it was for my old industry - and I had no relevant experience to draw on) and I also spent a long time deciding what to put in my covering letters.

I honestly believe this helped me get my foot in the door, and after that I just had to sell myself!

I hope this gives any disilusioned newbies some hope.

Cheers, Nez

Congrats on the job offer mate. It took me 8 weeks to get my first perminent class 1 job and I’m still there 7 weeks later. Saying that, I hate the company I’m working for so have spent all this last weekend writing and then re-witing my CV and now I have a pile of 35 envelopes stacked up containing a cover letter and CV each to as many local companies I could find. Fingers crossed.

Hi Nezza

Your post is interesting and shows that perseverance and effort can pay off. It also gave me an idea.

Would there be any merit in having a thread started where newbies can post their CV, blanking out a few personal details (address, phone number etc). Companies and agencies could then visit the site from time to time if they need someone and are willing to take on the less expereinced.

Paul Gloria Meadows:
Congrats on the job offer mate. It took me 8 weeks to get my first perminent class 1 job and I’m still there 7 weeks later. Saying that, I hate the company I’m working for so have spent all this last weekend writing and then re-witing my CV and now I have a pile of 35 envelopes stacked up containing a cover letter and CV each to as many local companies I could find. Fingers crossed.

I got a call from one of the companies I sent a CV to. Had interview with them yesterday and got to go for assessment drive next weekend. Just go to show that it’s not impossible if you can be bothered to put a bit of work in.

That’s funny via my job I believe I got because my uncle is night manager and put my name forward. Out of the 90 companies I contacted that wasn’t one of them. The other day though I got call offering me an assessment drive, I said I can do any afternoon. I’ve heard nothing back. How bizzare.