i got banned

He had to grovvel to the TC to get his Class 1 back.

I had to do this when my Private Hire licence was in jeopardy in my 20’s, it felt a bit like being that black fella going for his Parole Board meeting in “the Shawshank Redemption” :wink:

Harry Monk:

He had to grovvel to the TC to get his Class 1 back.

I had to do this when my Private Hire licence was in jeopardy in my 20’s, it felt a bit like being that black fella going for his Parole Board meeting in “the Shawshank Redemption” :wink:

I know that feeling too. :blush:

I had to go to Manchester and appear before the TC to do some serious grovelling to get my provisional HGV licence and I nearly fell asleep whilst my previous record was read out. :open_mouth:

I’ve been a good boy since then. :sunglasses:

is that groveling or serious groveling,and define groveling.

is that groveling or serious groveling,and define groveling.

Just stand on the carpet and tell The Man whatever you imagine he would like to hear.

You won’t be offered a cup of coffee :wink:

he is a she up here by the name of joan aitken,been told shes a bit of a female milk producer

Blimey, the women are the worst, hopefully you are sufficiently far north to avoid the spewing menopausal bowl of man-hatred that is Beverley Bell. :wink:

Mate, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you are stuffed.

is that groveling or serious groveling,and define groveling.

The first ‘ordinary’ grovel was what I put on the application form, which was rejected fairly swiftly. :frowning: :blush:

Then I did a ‘special’ grovel, which was to write a letter saying that I realised that I’d been a silly-billy and how sorry I was, but this was also rejected.

Upon receiving the second rejection, I phoned the TAO and asked whether there was any other procedure that was open to me. I was informed that I could appear in front of the TC at a public enquiry, so I applied for that. My application for a hearing was granted. :smiley:

I turned up for the hearing, but my ‘serious’ grovel was delayed because I couldn’t speak for half an hour whilst a guy read my previous record to the TC, who looked at me in disbelief over his half-rimmed glasses. Once I’d walked on the hot coals and broken glass whilst flogging myself with strands of barbed wire and apologising profusely for my previous behaviour, the TC granted me a provisional HGV licence with the direst of warnings that it would be instantly revoked if I got any kind of trouble that was more serious than a parking ticket for the next three years. :open_mouth:

TBF, my little episode with the TC was back in 1979, so I’d imagine things might have changed a bit since then.

So your TC is Joan Aitkin eh…■■
Pah!! Mine is the fearsome Ms Beverley Bell. :open_mouth: (So, there!! :laughing: :laughing: )

Just say “Yaas, Boss, uh-huh Boss, I sho will do dat ting for you, dat’s de God’s honest truth, Ah ain’t no danger to Society no more” and you’ve got half a chance.

One of my Customers who got a long ban for speeding had to resit his car licence test and only got CAT “B” back as would a new driver so no C1 even, his offence was in an artic without any restriction…so afraid to say it don’t look good…as for people condeming you for your offence there but for the grace of god go all of us at some time in the past and the punishment will be hard enough, we all learn the hard way sometimes.

Good luck.

Data Academy:
One of my Customers who got a long ban for speeding had to resit his car licence test and only got CAT “B” back as would a new driver so no C1 even

That is standard procedure.
A D2 form usually gets the rest back.

Data Academy:
his offence was in an artic

That might go for a decision from the TC who has the option of suspending the LGV licence for longer

i havent had the plesure of meeting miss joan aitken but i know a couple guys that have and lets just say she dosent take any nonsense as they were in front of her for previous offences (the amount of speeding convictions, tacho offences, stuff from 10 years ago was taken up too) she stripped them of there licence for 1 year and they have to resit there lorry tests.

Speaking from first hand experience, you will loose all your entitlements for the 12 months and then have to resit an extended car test, then it’s up to the TC wether to give you your HGV back. I got my HGV entitlements back without having to do the HGV test again.

Did you get done for dangerous driving? I did, sometimes they try and pin that on you just for high speed. It is a criminal record (no more holidays to America :cry: ) and will effect the insurances of people who choose to employ you, many won’t. If it’s just a straight ban for the speeding then it shouldn’t effect their insurance too much. Get a solicitor as I was a bit lax about it to begin with as I thought it was a bit lame so the first hearing if I’d have had a brief there, we’d probably have got it down to careless. Once the CPS smell weakness, they’ll do you regardless of the severity as it’s a tick in the box. Shame I wasn’t more of a villain to begin with, i’d have known how to play the system from the get go. By the time I had a decent solicitor, there wasn’t much that could be done, enjoyed the year off so every cloud…

Mine was the lowest level of Dangerous driving you can get done for and was ridiculous really, bit of speeding on the way to work on a deserted road at 4am in the morning and going through a couple of reds on a roundabout at 20mph with nothing coming (should switch 'em off at night on roundabout’s :unamused: ), only other sod on the road at that time was the unmarked copper behind me filming it all, :laughing: Think the coppers might have put it down to careless if i’d have apologised and kissed their arses a bit but I just said it’s a fair cop, no excuses.

In summation, you should get your HGV back if it was just speeding, even with dangerous, I got mine back. I think you have to go postal, and do some bird to not get it back. There is a distinction to be drawn if the offence was in a car or if in a truck, the TC would take more interest, I got my HGV back by letter and didn’t have to do the walk of shame.

I’m also the most courteous, laid back driver you’d ever meet and have never once had an accident in 15 years driving. Just like to crack on a bit when there’s nowt about.

yeah it was dangerous driving i got done for,anything over the 100 is deemed dangerous now,the 2 police officers both said it was purely down to the speed,as it was a dry night with light traffic,it was 9 o clock at night it happened,i had a solicitor from the word go,guy was a pratt tho,sent some guy up not even from his company,and didnt do very mch in court,i only hope that because it was in the car it’ll maybe help a bit.

well thats 6 months all bar a week,an i can tell you it,i wont be doing that again in a hurry,still another 6 monhs to go but at least we’re on the home straight now,got a job at the moment in a sawmill at dunkeld driving a forklift with no brakes,and i dont mean tea breaks,lol,so hope it goes as quick as the last 6 months.

You sound a bit nuts, i reckon you’ll be banned again sometime in the next ten years.

As you have been ordered to resit your test, was it mentioned that you must take an extended test or a normal resit. I think you may be wise to read this advice and ask the questions there, she says the laws in Scotland are different for Dangerous Driving.

theroadtrafficlawyer.com/off … iving.aspx

My thoughts would be that you will have to resit all classes, motorcycle (if held), C1, C and C+E :open_mouth:

The reason for those thoughts is that if you lose your licence without a resit ordered, your new licence comes back without any previous points, no matter how recent or serious the offences were.

thats the guy i had,he didnt attend court,the old guy he did send didnt even work for him and didnt do very much in court anyway,to start the day,he arrived an hour late,got my name wrong in the court,wanted to argue with me over my age and date of birth,then when i got the letter from them telling me what the sentence was,it was all wrong as well,to sum it up,i would have been better saving my money and pleading guilty from the word go.

an extended test i have to take

what makes you say that?

You sound a bit nuts, i reckon you’ll be banned again sometime in the next ten years.

what makes you say that?

merc0447 wrote:You sound a bit nuts, i reckon you’ll be banned again sometime in the next ten years.

Bobbert. Take no notice of that post. Possibly merc0447, is one of TNUK,s “whiter than white” brigade. :unamused: They never transgress any of the laws and regulations which apply to any aspect of life in this country. They are paragons of virtue. And ■■■■■ boring with it. :laughing: :laughing:

You got captured breaking the law. You are now paying a heavy price for that. In the 10 years time that merc0447 stated , I hope that you will be able to look back on this, as one of life,s lessons. Learn from it.

Fortunately you have got a job to help tide you over during your enforced rest from the rigours of HGV Driving. While you are on the side-lines, check out some of the posts on this site. You will begin to think that maybe the job in the woodyard ain,t so bad after all. Good Luck.