I got a trick for the bmw dumbo,s!

When your crusing along the motorway,and your approaching a junction why does the brand new bmw always Blast past you with less than 20 feet to go slam the brakes on then pull off the motorway!!!

Right infront of you :unamused: :unamused:

If i see the dumbo,s in the mirror i indicate right but before the junction then pull into the middle lane!!! Happy days :laughing: :laughing:

I don,t care if they undertake me!!!

Carry on bmw brigade ! :unamused: :unamused: or is that text on! [zb]

Good idea… Till said driver ends up under Neath you… :confused:

I call them dive bombers.No traffic behind.Got to get past the lorry at all costs.Overtake it.Jam.on car brakes.Truck has to slow down or hit it.Free horn test and offer of coffee.The M5 in both directions is getting worse for doodlers plodding at low speed.

Yawn,so what’s new?

Bad driving from both parties…sounds about right these days!

I’m sure the BMW dumbo,s (sic), however, know how not to use a comma instead of an apostrophe that wasn’t necessary in the first place.

And then you grip your steering wheel tightly and daydream that you one day might be able to afford a brand new bmw.

I’m sure the BMW dumbo,s (sic), however, know how not to use a comma instead of an apostrophe that wasn’t necessary in the first place.

Why are you having a go at him because of his grammar we all know what he meant. What is it with people on here who have nothing constructive to say apart from bullying people over there grammar, get a life we are on a lorry driver’s forum not an English literature forum.
And you have started at least eight post’s withiut using a capital letter so your not perfect.

When your crusing along the motorway,and your approaching a junction why does the brand new bmw always Blast past you with less than 20 feet to go slam the brakes on then pull off the motorway!!!

Right infront of you :unamused: :unamused:

If i see the dumbo,s in the mirror i indicate right but before the junction then pull into the middle lane!!! Happy days :laughing: :laughing:

I don,t care if they undertake me!!!

Carry on bmw brigade ! :unamused: :unamused: or is that text on! [zb]

That sounds really …sensible. :unamused:

When your crusing along the motorway,and your approaching a junction why does the brand new bmw always Blast past you with less than 20 feet to go slam the brakes on then pull off the motorway!!!

Right infront of you :unamused: :unamused:

If i see the dumbo,s in the mirror i indicate right but before the junction then pull into the middle lane!!! Happy days :laughing: :laughing:

I don,t care if they undertake me!!!

Carry on bmw brigade ! :unamused: :unamused: or is that text on! [zb]

Am I understanding this correctly ?

When you see a BMW behind you that’s going faster than you, you pull out into lane 2 in order to get in their way.

And you’re criticising their standard of driving :open_mouth:

As a professional, I see it as part of my job to avoid accidents.
If i see them in my mirror, It is part of my job to work out what they’ll do next and to avoid a potential accident by forward planning.
I have a good idea about a car drivers intentions before they do.
I actually find motorcyclists to be the most professional and easiest to judge.

As a professional, I see it as part of my job to avoid accidents.
If i see them in my mirror, It is part of my job to work out what they’ll do next and to avoid a potential accident by forward planning.
I have a good idea about a car drivers intentions before they do.
I actually find motorcyclists to be the most professional and easiest to judge.

+1 Nice to see someone with professional attitude towards driving.It seems a rare thing these days on the roads and on this forum.
Anticipation is the name of the game

Far too much hatred and bad attiudes around.

As a professional, I see it as part of my job to avoid accidents.
I actually find motorcyclists to be the most professional and easiest to judge.

Me too, only because I don’t like the paperwork & the meeting with the TM that goes with it :slight_smile:
I hate bikers, always turn up out if nowhere & most of them do such dumb ■■■■ no wonder they get injured/killed…:frowning:

The A40 going in to London from Perivale to Hangar Lane is dodgem time for motor bikes.If i can i will nudge over and leave them a gap tp pass in congested traffic.

True for the most part, the great Lawrence Fishburne, a biking fanatic said on a tv show once that if you are involved in a crash on a motorbike more than likely its your fault for putting yourself in the position so as not to avoid the collision, I’d agree with that in 99% of cases.

My last two cars in the UK were a BMW and a Merc. I never caused any lorry driver a problem and would often anticipate their next move and act accordingly to allow them to maintain speed or whatever, so what if I had to slow down, a quick press on the go pedal and I was back up to speed again.

However I did encounter some absolutely horrendous driver by lorry drivers whilst in these cars. One incident in particular on the A303 was the most dangerous driving I’ve ever witnessed by a lorry driver.

I was coming to the end of the D/C just past Andover & went to overtake an Actros drawbar, he pulled straight out in front of me just to stop me passing him. At the next roundabout I had enough room to pass him safely, but he used all the road (unnecessarily) just to keep me behind him, it didn’t quite work that way though and I got round him.

I then decided to match the driver in being a â– â– â– â–  on the road and did 39mph on the S/C which really â– â– â– â– â– â–  him off, he was literally inches off my bumper, so a little left foot tap on the brakes by ne would see the Actros bumper dip sharply as he slammed on the brakes.

I kept him behind me on the next D/C and did all the things that car drivers do that â– â– â– â–  me off, rear fogs, hitting the washers so the overspray went on his fly splattered windscreen, speeding up when he tried to get round me on the downhills and slowing down when he was behind me. I did this all the way until (I think) Cartgate, where I stopped at the roundabout, he stopped a couple of hundred yards back, probably worried he was going to get the good hiding he deserved!

I know two wrongs don’t make a right, but what this ‘driver’ did was downright dangerous. I could see there was nothing in front of him when I started to pass him, there was a good 1/4mile until the lane narrowed down, so it was quite a shock when he swerved into my lane and the only reason he did it was to prevent me passing him, for what reason I don’t know, I was not going to be holding him up if I was doing 20 legal mph more than him.

Maybe he was a knuckle dragger with an inferiority complex and did it purely because of the car I was driving. Maybe countless other Audi, BMW or Merc owners have encountered similar behaviour from so called professional lorry drivers so treat them all accordingly?

As a driver of cars and trucks and a rider of motorbikes I have seen things change over the years and not much of it is for the better.

Regarding car drivers you have always had a pretty poor standard from some but then it is not surprising as most pass a simple test,do not bother to learn anymore,get into bad habits and generally cause mayhem.Some car drivers used to be courteous but that seems to be a thing of the past now.

Regarding motorcyclists someone said they are generally better and with most this is probably true because out of all the driving tests theirs is by far the hardest and most comprehensive.Saying that you do get the idiots that seem to think the road is a race track but thankfully they are in the minority.

In my opinion it is the truck drivers standards that have slippedthe most.Although I only drive trucks now and again now I am horrified by the way some drive.
Whether I am driving my car or a truck I doubt a day goes by when you get some idiot doing something really stupid or agressive and on the odd ocassion when I get the chance to ask them what they were doing all you get is abuse.I fear some do not even know what they are doing is completely wrong!
Far too much agression and bad attitude from many and I include car drivers and motorcyclists in that.

As a driver of cars and trucks and a rider of motorbikes I have seen things change over the years and not much of it is for the better.

Regarding car drivers you have always had a pretty poor standard from some but then it is not surprising as most pass a simple test,do not bother to learn anymore,get into bad habits and generally cause mayhem.Some car drivers used to be courteous but that seems to be a thing of the past now.

Regarding motorcyclists someone said they are generally better and with most this is probably true because out of all the driving tests theirs is by far the hardest and most comprehensive.Saying that you do get the idiots that seem to think the road is a race track but thankfully they are in the minority.

**In my opinion it is the truck drivers standards that have slippedthe most.**Although I only drive trucks now and again now I am horrified by the way some drive.
Whether I am driving my car or a truck I doubt a day goes by when you get some idiot doing something really stupid or agressive and on the odd ocassion when I get the chance to ask them what they were doing all you get is abuse.I fear some do not even know what they are doing is completely wrong!
Far too much agression and bad attitude from many and I include car drivers and motorcyclists in that.

:grimacing: :laughing: :smiley: :smiley:

Rob does that mean you agree or disagree? It would be far easier if you gave an opinion after all that is what forums are for!
I know you do not like my rantings but you never really tell your thoughts on drivers usually just what you think of me! :confused:

As a driver of cars and trucks and a rider of motorbikes I have seen things change over the years and not much of it is for the better.

Regarding car drivers you have always had a pretty poor standard from some but then it is not surprising as most pass a simple test,do not bother to learn anymore,get into bad habits and generally cause mayhem.Some car drivers used to be courteous but that seems to be a thing of the past now.

Regarding motorcyclists someone said they are generally better and with most this is probably true because out of all the driving tests theirs is by far the hardest and most comprehensive.Saying that you do get the idiots that seem to think the road is a race track but thankfully they are in the minority.

In my opinion it is the truck drivers standards that have slippedthe most.Although I only drive trucks now and again now I am horrified by the way some drive.
Whether I am driving my car or a truck I doubt a day goes by when you get some idiot doing something really stupid or agressive and on the odd ocassion when I get the chance to ask them what they were doing all you get is abuse.I fear some do not even know what they are doing is completely wrong!
Far too much agression and bad attitude from many and I include car drivers and motorcyclists in that.

Here here spot on.