I don't get it...

People moan about the pay driving artics, but then also say that they wont drive for a supermarket which are some of the better payers :confused:

I would do trollies for co-op again, I like the distance work at the moment and going all over the country, there will come a time though when the 80hr weeks need to go and an average 48 will be called for. Being home every night starting between 3 and 6 and finishing between 11am and 6pm will do me nicely! Shame you have to work weekends tho.

Not only good pay but easy work, I will be going back to Sainsburys when the job I am doing now ends later this month

I would do trollies for co-op again, I like the distance work at the moment and going all over the country, there will come a time though when the 80hr weeks need to go and an average 48 will be called for. Being home every night starting between 3 and 6 and finishing between 11am and 6pm will do me nicely! Shame you have to work weekends tho.

I’d love to distance again, but try and find one that pays £11 an hour :open_mouth:
Don’t mind weekends - extra wonga with night rate and the weekend rate :wink:
Saying that, at the moment my rota happens to be mon-fri until next weekend :wink:

When I hear of some of the lamentable rates paid driving artics, then I’m staying where I am for as long as they’ll have me :grimacing:

When I hear of some of the lamentable rates paid driving artics, then I’m staying where I am for as long as they’ll have me :grimacing:

Supermarket work is usually associated with boring local runs mixed with even more boring sitting around waiting.It’s not surprising that those jobs are paid more to compensate for that or end up being put out to agencies to find enough drivers.

Not saying I would never work for a supermarket, but having weekends off mean more to me than money.

People moan about the pay driving artics, but then also say that they wont drive for a supermarket which are some of the better payers :confused:

Speaking as a serial moaner :laughing: who has tramped for most of my life, if a RDC opened in my area I would be there like a shot. A start and finish time, 40mph all day, home at nights, set runs, not rushed, and pay as it should be, what’s not to like.

I did three and a half years on agency and enjoyed the supermarket work. Come the day I want to settle down supermarkets would be high on my list. That’s if I’m still driving.

set runs.

A set run would be nice :laughing: :laughing:
I could be on a trunk one night, multidrop round London the next and a run into deepest darkest and scariest Dorset the next :laughing: :laughing:

People moan about the pay driving artics, but then also say that they wont drive for a supermarket which are some of the better payers :confused:

You ain’t been there 5 minutes and I’ve got a tenner here says you won’t be in 12 months time… :wink:

Not saying I would never work for a supermarket, but having weekends off mean more to me than money.

+1…I’d never work directly for a supermarket though, don’t care how much they pay…

It’s easy work but very boring and typically full of stupid rules and regulations and memo signing which doesn’t suit me, maybe when I’m old and knackered it will. Although the hours tend to be longer, general haulage for a proper transport firm is much more interesting and suits me and my style.

or end up being put out to agencies to find enough drivers.

really, we have countless names on the list waiting for vacancies…

Boring? 1 day i’ll be doing a container swap at Felixstowe, next i’ll be doing 4 store drops in London where some of the tight yards would make general boys cry lol. Next day a long trunk which that uses all driving time.

New fleet every 4 years, top pay, loads of holidays, staff discount, smart uniform, paid to do DCPC, never expected to put my licence, hours or WTD in jeopardy, home every night…

If I didn’t do supermarket work, I wouldn’t be driving a truck at all.

I’d go back onto supermarket work tomorrow.

Home every night, easy work and the best paying wages I’ve ever earned as a driver …until greedy Stobarts took over and I was laid off :imp: :imp: :imp:

Same here, if i lost my present job it would be either supermarket or very similar (wouldn’t go near the cars again), prefer supermarkets where you can do a bit of cage shifting and or pallet lugging, wouldn’t want to become a bloated miserable RDC/box jockey vegetable who chauffers.

George@ASDA driver:

or end up being put out to agencies to find enough drivers.

really, we have countless names on the list waiting for vacancies…

Boring? 1 day i’ll be doing a container swap at Felixstowe, next i’ll be doing 4 store drops in London where some of the tight yards would make general boys cry lol. Next day a long trunk which that uses all driving time.

New fleet every 4 years, top pay, loads of holidays, staff discount, smart uniform, paid to do DCPC, never expected to put my licence, hours or WTD in jeopardy, home every night…

If I didn’t do supermarket work, I wouldn’t be driving a truck at all.

I’m guessing that the container work is just local not distance.Then added to that is obviously London multi drop.IE boring if you want distance work.I’m also betting that there’s no way that any driver could just say no thanks in the case of the containers and/or London and just do the distance trunking.That’s what I meant about boring work having to be given to the agencies to find drivers.

I don’t think supermarkets struggle to recruit drivers. Yes the work doesn’t suit everyone but traditionally the money has always been fairly good and the work fairly easy plus perks like staff discount pension etc make it a decent job.
But in this day and age like lots of big firms they will have a core of employed drivers plus use agency’s to cover peaks and troughs in there workload and will often have long term agency drivers but it suits them as they can be laid off with no fuss and they have drivers who know the job and routine for busy times.

I would do trollies for co-op again, I like the distance work at the moment and going all over the country, there will come a time though when the 80hr weeks need to go and an average 48 will be called for. Being home every night starting between 3 and 6 and finishing between 11am and 6pm will do me nicely! Shame you have to work weekends tho.

I love to go back to milk but going all over the country appeals to me