I did'nt no that?

did anyone know according to a daf fitter :question: that when you drive your 85cf 95xf well all daf’s :unamused: on the amber ebs light :exclamation: your only stopping on 50% brakeing efficiency :open_mouth: so with that important information,don’t bother driving a daf again,or if it comes up with the red ebs warning :bulb: say hello to you nearest and dearest,and kiss your a*s goodbuy :slight_smile:that must be why they always get rather hotttt :astonished: and then they decide to deposit the complete braking system all over the road :slight_smile: cheer’s duf oh daf :wink:

Had a couple of older trailers that give me the amber ebs light in my 105, it works spot on with newer trailers.

you only lose abs braking does not affect normal braking of vehicle

I think he’s talking about EBS not ABS - EBS braking means electronics stop the vehicle - signal from footbrake valve to relay valves puts the brakes on - if the EBS packs up you revert to “normal” braking - Only trouble is with pre ABS & ABS brakes the pipework off the footbrake valve to the relay valves was 12mm - Now its EBS braking the pipework is normally 8mm so even though the brakes work you get a longer pedal travel and feel to it and loaded can be a tad un-nerving :frowning:
ABS and EBS are not the samething - ABS stops the brakes locking up - EBS is working the brakes - Years ago every engine had a Throttle cable to it - Fly -by wire then became the norm - Electric pas pumps and the like will be next - modern technology - hmmmm


I think he’s talking about EBS not ABS - EBS braking means electronics stop the vehicle - signal from footbrake valve to relay valves puts the brakes on - if the EBS packs up you revert to “normal” braking - Only trouble is with pre ABS & ABS brakes the pipework off the footbrake valve to the relay valves was 12mm - Now its EBS braking the pipework is normally 8mm so even though the brakes work you get a longer pedal travel and feel to it and loaded can be a tad un-nerving :frowning:
ABS and EBS are not the samething - ABS stops the brakes locking up - EBS is working the brakes - Years ago every engine had a Throttle cable to it - Fly -by wire then became the norm - Electric pas pumps and the like will be next - modern technology - hmmmm


Wife’s new Fiesta has got that…s’nicer than my Mondy

Orange EBS light has no effect on braking efficiency. FACT.

Electric PAS has been around for 8 years or more.

you should have asked him if he was suffering from Chattering Testicleitis :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Electric PAS has been around for 8 years or more.

On trucks ■■ I know plenty of cars and vans have it - i’ve not seen it on anything heavy weight :question:

Yellow EBS would mean a minor defect - Red EBS would effect the braking - With ABS intergrated with EBS it has to cover a lot of components :confused:


On cars, dont think EPAS could cope on heavies yet!

Wish FITTERS wouldn’t tell drivers things like that, really annoys me that because they dont know what they are on about they scaremonger to cover their arse.

On cars, dont think EPAS could cope on heavies yet!

Wish FITTERS wouldn’t tell drivers things like that, really annoys me that because they dont know what they are on about they scaremonger to cover their arse.

I dont think it will be long before EPAS - along with electric air compressors as well :frowning:


My 16 month old 105 has so many faults on 3 canbus systems, that it is being taken away to be fixed for several days…The fitters even said they would be taking days off sick, if they saw it in the depot to be fixed.
Electronically it is a clusterfeck :laughing:

Mental note to self : Do not ever buy a Daf if you want to become an owner driver :laughing:

EBS just means the brakes are worked electronically because the electronic signals get to the valves quicker than the air can, the air side still works at the same time.

The signal pipes may be 8mm but the ones from the valves to the chambers are still 12mm so no problems there.

You will just have a wiring fault which is really rare on a Daf!

As for the 50% the mans a plonker.


EBS just means the brakes are worked electronically because the electronic signals get to the valves quicker than the air can, the air side still works at the same time.

The signal pipes may be 8mm but the ones from the valves to the chambers are still 12mm so no problems there.

You will just have a wiring fault which is really rare on a Daf!As for the 50% the mans a plonker.Lynall

The pedal still has a different feel and travel when the EBS packs up - true they still work the same - but thats not the perspective some drivers get



On cars, dont think EPAS could cope on heavies yet!

Wish FITTERS wouldn’t tell drivers things like that, really annoys me that because they dont know what they are on about they scaremonger to cover their arse.

I dont think it will be long before EPAS - along with electric air compressors as well :frowning:


Don’t Renault already use an electronic compressor?

Wheel Nut:


On cars, dont think EPAS could cope on heavies yet!

Wish FITTERS wouldn’t tell drivers things like that, really annoys me that because they dont know what they are on about they scaremonger to cover their arse.

I dont think it will be long before EPAS - along with electric air compressors as well :frowning:


Don’t Renault already use an electronic compressor?

No - We use an electronic air dryer called an APM (Air production management) - Its a air dryer - 4 way valve & ecu all in one unit - The ecu side of it does away with low air switches -It also runs the compressor “light” when there is no air demand and if you start up and the airs down it increases the idle speed until max airs reached - Theory is good - In practice it causes a few problems :frowning: Ours are WABCO but i see KNORR BREMSE have something similar so it will probably become the norm before long


did anyone know according to a daf fitter :question: that when you drive your 85cf 95xf well all daf’s :unamused: on the amber ebs light :exclamation: your only stopping on 50% brakeing efficiency :open_mouth: so with that important information,don’t bother driving a daf again,or if it comes up with the red ebs warning :bulb: say hello to you nearest and dearest,and kiss your a*s goodbuy :slight_smile:that must be why they always get rather hotttt :astonished: and then they decide to deposit the complete braking system all over the road :slight_smile: cheer’s duf oh daf :wink:

think that daf fitter needs to go on ebs course at thame :laughing:

On cars, dont think EPAS could cope on heavies yet!

Wish FITTERS wouldn’t tell drivers things like that, really annoys me that because they dont know what they are on about they scaremonger to cover their arse.

you got it on some big farm tractors

On my R series twice I’ve had ‘EBS brake system check’ come up the dash with the warning bong going off and my brakes turn to (zb) :open_mouth:

First time it happened we got a fitter out who showed me how to clear it. With the ignition on you have to slowly push the brake pedal to the floor in 7 seconds, hold it there for 7 seconds, and then lift it up slowly in 7 seconds, and apparentley this resets the system :slight_smile:

I think my conversation would have gone something like this:

Grease Monkey: “you only have 50% braking efficiency”

D1UK: “Oh, so it will take twice as far to stop then”?

GM: “err, yeah”

D1UK: “That’s quite dangerous isn’t it”?

GM: “err, yeah”

D1UK: “so why has the manufacturer designed the brake fault alert system to show both amber, for minor issues & red warning lights for serious problems”?

GM: “err”

D1UK: “you’ve just told me its a very serious fault because I’m down to 50% braking efficiency, but the vehicle is only showing an amber warning light which tells us its not so serious.”

GM: “errrrrrrrrrr”


The only thing i have noticed when the abs light comes on in a daf is that you get some clouds of smoke and a nice burning rubber smell if you brake hard.