I been caught by the dreaded camara

hey people,
I am a relatively new hgv drive i go to scotland every wednesday,well the other month i was trying to get back to base from edinburgh before my time was up,i was coming do the A1 and was driving pasted a camara on a single carriage way and got flashed ok i was doing around the 50 mark i know its suppose to be 40 but every other ■■■■ camara i have driven past that week didnt flash which leads me to think how can that cmara tell that i am a lorry and should be doing 40 mph can they do that.?
Also with the npi i got an info letter as well and on the back it states that the npi must be issued to the registered keeper within 14 days of the offencenow on the letter the offence happened on march the 29th but the letter is dated the 18 of april so does that mean that they cant do me?
Anyway that has really cheesed me off because i got flashed the other day doing more than 40 on a single carriage way so that will be £120 and 6 point nice.
Just one more thing how can camaras tell the difference between us and a coach that can do 50 mph on a single carriage way? :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :cry: :cry: :cry:

They have a height ray gun.The same happened to me on the 303. The van in front went by at 60 . I got nailed at 55.

If you’re new to this then you need to get your head around two things.

Firstly, that via induction loops in the road and/or height sensors and/or weight-in-motion detectors (just starting to appear) speed cameras can and will tell you apart from other categories of vehicle.

Second, there is only one way to avoid getting flashed and that is by not speeding. If you break the limit and get caught on your own head be it. I’m no angel, but I wouldn’t moan if I got flashed - I know the limit, it’s my choice to risk breaking it. End of.

If you were actually speeding then don’t bother going to court on a technicality. They’ll only throw the book at you even harder. You did the crime, now take the fine (and points) then consider it a lesson learnt.

Harsh but true.

:open_mouth: First of all ask yourself some important questions.
Why were you speeding?
If you can’t get back legally speeding isn’t the answer. It’s down to your boss and if he is asking/expecting you to do it then take him to task over it. You may earn a few brownie points for getting back or doing the job quicker/cheaper than everyone else but they don’t offset the licence points :unamused:

If you got flashed once did that not tell you something ?

If you don’t know the rules or understand how the bloody obvious, signposted and bright yellow cameras work then don’t do it (and I am no angel myself but my licence has ALWAYS been clean).

Know your limits or learn how to not get caught before you lose that licence you were proud to attain and paid good money for.

and no offence BUT if you are a new driver do you really think you are safe to be charging around above the speed limit :question: :question: :unamused: :wink:

As said by Lucy take your punishment like a man, learn the lesson and consider it all part of the steep and for you expensive learning curve of the industry :smiley: :smiley:

hey i hear ya sorry for the moaning,i know that the first flash should of made me think and i am kicking myself for that now ,and will be for the next 4 years with the points on my licence.
next week i am going to have a chat with my boss and tell them how its going to be from now on because i am sticking to the limits, and i will take this like a man i suppose i was gutted i have never had this happen and never wanted it to happen but there you go.
Thanks for the words of wisdom :blush: :blush:

Even us old ■■■■■ are never to old to learn… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Good on you for making that decision, unlike most it seems you will learn from your experience.

You were born with 2 eyes 2 ears and 1 mouth (I assume :blush: ) if you use them in that ratio you won’t go far wrong :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

Good luck with the gaffer and let us know what he said :smiley:

looks like ill be gettin 1 soon too then… Oh well thats paddys for ya

hi dubboy and others,
this maybe a bit too late for you now, but i can tell you a little trick i learnt a couple of years ago, and it worked for me.
if you do get the dreaded nip through the post, fill it all out with all the apologies, you know the usual!
But forget to sign it, you know how forgetful you can be at times!!
watch the letter you get back in the post, worked for me.