I ain't stopping here!

sundy night i did my delivery in maidstone so with 35 mins left i tried to get as near to aylsham as possible.

anyway starts to head up from jnc 7 of the m20 towards the m2 and had about 10 mins left so pulled into this layby which is off the road , there was 1 other unit in there and about 8 cars. that was when all these blokes come pooring out of the hedges and looking about in my direction and walking passed the cab. :open_mouth:

feling a little uneasy about this situation i belled up the office and told them i don’t feel safe where im parked and im going to head up the road to find alternate parking. after much [zb] themselves with laughter they told me ok.

not having any maps with me i didn’t realise if i turned left onto the m2 the services where 5mins up the road, so i turned right and proceeded to go 10 mins over my time.

would you have stayed there :question:

Sounds like one of those ‘blue lights’ lay-by’s to me :laughing: :laughing:

There’s one just up the A38 from Downton’s yard near Gloucester too.

Think you’ll find there were after your arse more than your load :bulb: :laughing: :laughing:

Just thunk of 'em as your own private security force

I’m sure if you ask one of 'em nicely hell jump in and guard your stereo while you sleep :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :confused: :confused:

I would have moved as well m8,they can have the load but ain’t getting no ■■■. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I would have moved as well m8,they can have the load but ain’t getting no ■■■. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Seriously, though, I would have been outta there!!

Is that the bullring parking at Northfleet ■■

We used to park there quite a bit years ago & it was always an exciting evening watching the fruits chasing each other in & out of the Loo’s :open_mouth: Needless to say, watching from the safety of a locked cab :unamused:

I do know that the golden rule there was NEVER EVER use the toilets – guess who didn’t know this & made the mistake once, to find all sorts of undesiurable objects on the floor the next morning :blush:

Had the same thing happen to me when i started at a new firm, after tipping around london i was told that all our drivers meet up just outside northhampton in a laybye (pub nearby i was told) i think its on the a45, anyway i gets to said laybye pulled card out and gets kettle on.Well this white van pulls in behind me and as i look through the mirrors he gets out the van and starts to yank on his member!!! then all these blokes appear out of the bushes to watch!!, well i got friction burns putting the tacho back in and screamed out of there, got back to the yard the next day and had the rest of the lads in stitches upon hearing what happened, some stitch up never lived it down.

I think this is the deep layby the M2 side of Detling Hill…on the A249 PMSL
I parked there about 6 weeks ago. I noticed the same thing and never dreamt for one moment what was going on but glared at several cars cos I thought they were after the load!!

im no asre bandit but sounds like a good laugh watching all the poofters going in and out of the bushes… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

but to be truthful i would have been a bit niave and not realised and parked somewhere else as well.
ive heard that cherwell valley services is a hotspot too. apperntly if you walk througfh the trees for 100 yards you come to another hotspot as well… one of kit kat’s mates told me that (dhl)

You want to try parking in Belgium then :stuck_out_tongue: a bloke I worked with always parked in these lay-bys, he reckons that it was the safest place as no self respecting thief will be seen mincing around with a load of pink security men :smiley:

We didnt believe him either :stuck_out_tongue:

I think this is the deep layby the M2 side of Detling Hill…on the A249 PMSL
I parked there about 6 weeks ago. I noticed the same thing and never dreamt for one moment what was going on but glared at several cars cos I thought they were after the load!!

Unfortunate turn of phrase buddy!!!
:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink:

im no asre bandit but sounds like a good laugh watching all the poofters going in and out of the bushes.

Why watch them then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

you made a judgement call based on the situation around you. no one can fault you for that. if you dont feel safe, move on! :sunglasses:

The layby just off the M6 J4 towards the NEC used to see lots of action in the trees in the afternoon.The Highways Agency fixed that though - now an ex- layby as it has been filled in.

There also used to be some toilets at Stonebridge Island which got used for certain purposes. Warwickshire police raided them one night and amongst the haul they caught their Chief Superintendent in a compromising position!!!

He soon left the force


Had the same situation on the A43 kettering…cars on the go all night…but they never bothered me and with so much activity i suppose they keep the travelling community out of there as well…better them than a diesel thief or curtain cutter.
and the only thing they lifted was their shirt. :laughing: :laughing:

This is a good read my mate stopped at north fleet one night, and kept seeing these blokes going behind his trl, so he rang the police to say he thought he was going to be robbed, the police women is probably still laughing now, then out of the car in front of him the one with the steamed up windows, out come two blokes :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

Makes me laugh!
All you “butch hairy truckers” know where all the gay-boys hang out! :laughing:
Never found any personally…Not looked either!

Mind you - I do know some good places abroad where theres some rather tasty tottie!! :wink:
Italian industrial estates are best! :stuck_out_tongue:

The ‘bullring’ at Northfleet no longer exists.

There also used to be some toilets at Stonebridge Island which got used for certain purposes. Warwickshire police raided them one night and amongst the haul they caught their Chief Superintendent in a compromising position!!!

He soon left the force


That was after he left Hospital.

He was chased down the A45 and tried to ‘throw’ the pursuing vehicle with a ‘late’ exit at the Allesley turn. And didn’t make it. :astonished:

Another place is the layby on the A435 South of the M42, Portway. Jn 3 (?). In the daytime, a good place for food. At night, lots of rustling in the bushes.

It’s also the scene of where the body of a prostitute from the Black County was found in…the 80’s. I don’t remember that one ever being solved.

I think basicly any layby with either toilets or tree between it and the road is a dead cert for this kind of activity. Dont worry about parking in them though, just get the curtains round and the doors locked and its the only time i use a bottle to [zb] into at night . But you never seem to have the other sought of problem, got any deisel mate i’m nearly out and the mrs is about to drop, NO NO NO [ZB] OFF.
A bloke i used to work with told this great story about a layby near Uppingham, him and another guy parked there the night and they sat in his cab watching telly and chewing the cud as you do, well he spent all night winding this other guy up about walking back to his truck, so when he did go to leave he got out aswell to have a leak :wink: well as the other bloke walked back to his truck he sneaked down the other side of the lorries and jumped out on him :open_mouth: got a black eye for his trouble but said it was worth it for the look on the other blokes face, priceless :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Mind you - I do know some good places abroad where theres some rather tasty tottie!! :wink:
Italian industrial estates are best! :stuck_out_tongue:

I also know some of the places you mean Ian, be careful you dont get more than you bargained for :stuck_out_tongue: like meat and two veg :smiley:

There are as many transvestites in Italy as there are Ladyboys in Thailand :smiley: