I aint kidding....

Ok, today, Sunday the 1st, tooting along the A12 on my way back from tipping at Homebase Swindon RDC, I saw in the distance blue flashing lights on the opposite carrigeway. Not unusual you may think, but upon getting level with the lights it turned out to be Plod having pulled over a Transit van towing a trailer, again, not unusual until further inspection revealed the load…


Someone please tell me I wasnt seeing things. It was about 2PM around about the junction with the A130.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: Bet it did not have the bendybus exemption :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

That just had to be his mother-in-law! :laughing:

you have got to be winding us up?

surely there isnt anyone in britain that stupid!

I feel a Les Dawson moment coming on… :laughing:


What do you think the problem was then? !!

Peter Ball:
What do you think the problem was then? !!

my mother in law…over wright on the axle :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: (just kidding) :wink:

Peter Ball wrote:
What do you think the problem was then? !!

dont think there was a problem the police where just directing him to the nearest 3 pin plug socket for the chair oops just re-read post it was an armchair not an electric one mother in law and electric chair seem to go together :smiley: :smiley:

sorry lads i was gonna post somthing witty then i copped an eyeful of hairy gorillas avatar and got mesmorised :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

Wasnt the Clampetts on the move again was it■■?

:laughing: :laughing:

sorry lads i was gonna post somthing witty then i copped an eyeful of hairy gorillas avatar and got mesmorised :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

As a newcomer I aint got a clue how to get an avatar on here, how do I do it? In plain English please, when I was at school computers were coloured wooden beads :laughing:

:shock: :open_mouth: Bet it did not have the bendybus exemption :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

now there taking the new national bus pass scheme a bit far

Wasnt the Clampetts on the move again was it■■?

:laughing: :laughing:

and u think thats unusual on the A12…wait till u see the young lady who waves to you on the over bridge near marks tey rail station.she leans over and waves with her wobbly bits :smiley:

I heard Jeremy Clarkson talking about speed.

He was defending driving at speed and said;

“Speed may kill, but at least you can visit your mother in law without staying the night” :wink:

lmao! I was down south recently and spotted about six cows stood on the back of a flatbed - obviously they were plastic or concrete or something but made me look twice… then chuckle, they’d been arranged pretty randomly so looked quite realistic :laughing:

and u think thats unusual on the A12…wait till u see the young lady who waves to you on the over bridge near marks tey rail station.she leans over and waves with her wobbly bits :smiley:

Had that a few years back on a long and boring run to stranrae ,made my day ! :laughing: