Nothing new really for those following these ideas, but a very clear video about the problems of energy storage related to hydrogen.
V8s do sound nice though…
Nothing new really for those following these ideas, but a very clear video about the problems of energy storage related to hydrogen.
V8s do sound nice though…
Firstly hydrogen ICE is an admission that the car manufacturers know that Internal Combustion won’t be allowed to go without a fight from consumers.
There is no guarantee that ICE sales will convert to EV sales.More like unlikely.
They also know that the choice of ICE will have to be withdrawn to make an EV based business case even remotely viable.
Which explains yet more anti ICE propaganda.
The government is already pushing hydrogen as a replacement for fossil gas.
Storage problems bs.
Let’s remove CO2 emissions from the atmosphere and replace them with water vapour emissions instead, burn trees for biomass and sterilise the landscape under solar panels wiping out more of the planets vegetation, that’ll fix it.
Firstly hydrogen ICE is an admission that the car manufacturers know that Internal Combustion won’t be allowed to go without a fight from consumers.
There is no guarantee that ICE sales will convert to EV sales.More like unlikely.
They also know that the choice of ICE will have to be withdrawn to make an EV based business case even remotely viable.
Which explains yet more anti ICE propaganda.
The government is already pushing hydrogen as a replacement for fossil gas.
Storage problems bs.
Let’s remove CO2 emissions from the atmosphere and replace them with water vapour emissions instead, burn trees for biomass and sterilise the landscape under solar panels wiping out more of the planets vegetation, that’ll fix it.
Firstly hydrogen ICE is an admission that the car manufacturers know that Internal Combustion won’t be allowed to go without a fight from consumers.
I reckon that there will be a market for hydrogen IC engines for a while at least. How big depends on how expensive/practical it is.
And maybe as younger people will have no memory of ICEs then maybe it will diminish with time.
There is no guarantee that ICE sales will convert to EV sales.More like unlikely.
Seems car sales and ownership is changing its profile. Sales aren
t simply converting.
That doesn`t mean that keeping ICEs keeps sales high however. Customers are moving over to electric.
They also know that the choice of ICE will have to be withdrawn to make an EV based business case even remotely viable.
ICEs are being stopped. Argue over motive all you like, it`s happening.
Storage problems bs.
If youve got a solution please tell us all.... . Or second thoughts, tell no-one, PM me, and I
ll do my damnedest to take out patents!
Firstly hydrogen ICE is an admission that the car manufacturers know that Internal Combustion won’t be allowed to go without a fight from consumers.
There is no guarantee that ICE sales will convert to EV sales.More like unlikely.
They also know that the choice of ICE will have to be withdrawn to make an EV based business case even remotely viable.
Which explains yet more anti ICE propaganda.
The government is already pushing hydrogen as a replacement for fossil gas.
Storage problems bs.
Let’s remove CO2 emissions from the atmosphere and replace them with water vapour emissions instead, burn trees for biomass and sterilise the landscape under solar panels wiping out more of the planets vegetation, that’ll fix it.Interesting.
Firstly hydrogen ICE is an admission that the car manufacturers know that Internal Combustion won’t be allowed to go without a fight from consumers.I reckon that there will be a market for hydrogen IC engines for a while at least. How big depends on how expensive/practical it is.
And maybe as younger people will have no memory of ICEs then maybe it will diminish with time.Carryfast:
There is no guarantee that ICE sales will convert to EV sales.More like unlikely.Seems car sales and ownership is changing it
s profile. Sales aren
t simply converting.
That doesn`t mean that keeping ICEs keeps sales high however. Customers are moving over to electric.Carryfast:
They also know that the choice of ICE will have to be withdrawn to make an EV based business case even remotely viable.ICEs are being stopped. Argue over motive all you like, it`s happening.
Storage problems bs.If you
ve got a solution please tell us all.... . Or second thoughts, tell no-one, PM me, and I
ll do my damnedest to take out patents!
If the motive isn’t to take out the choice of ICE, because the climate scammers know that given the choice there will be few takers
for EVs, then obviously they won’t be coming for product support of the existing ICE fleet and they’ll let consumers and suppliers worry about the issue of hydrogen storage.
While if hydrogen storage was a problem then we’d obviously have no existing hydrogen production, and no one would ever have considered it as a potential fuel source.
Either way at the end of the day you’ll need to believe that water vapour emissions, from increased electric generation and burning hydrogen, isn’t a green house gas.
Although anyone who believes that CO2 cooked Venus while freezing Mars and that cutting down and burning living trees instead of burning long dead ones and sterilising our fields by starving them of light under acres of solar panels, is all good for our atmosphere will obviously believe anything.
Add a nuke disaster or two to all that.
Good video & explanation of the problems hydrogen faces, 10000psi though I read three hydrogen stations closed last week in the UK for restructuring, Must be a bit worrying for people who own them as to where they’re going to fill up, I think there’s only the Toyota Mirai available here at present!!! … in-the-uk/
Good video & explanation of the problems hydrogen faces, 10000psi thoughI read three hydrogen stations closed last week in the UK for restructuring, Must be a bit worrying for people who own them as to where they’re going to fill up, I think there’s only the Toyota Mirai available here at present!!! … in-the-uk/
The initial idea of hydrogen is a good one. But like many good ideas, the practical application isn`t there yet.
Roll on fusion!
You can all waffle about alternative power sources until the nanites come home but the answer has been staring us in the face for years courtesy of Doc Brown……
the maoster:
You can all waffle about alternative power sources until the nanites come home but the answer has been staring us in the face for years courtesy of Doc Brown……
No manual option and can only produce that for a 1/4 mile.Also not much point in getting anywhere 100 years before you started.