Hydrogen generator

Hi all,

i was wondering has any one had a hydrogen generator fitted to a truck? and if so did mpg improve?

I have looked quite deeply into hydrogen generation, it does save fuel, but the systems are not cheap, so you will need to be using a lot of diesel before you get a return on the investment.

You will also go through batteries and alternators at an alarming rate and they ain’t cheap.

One thing to consider with any of these fuel saving devices, if they did work, the oil companies would have put a stop to them, either by buying the rights to the idea and burying it, or by popping a cap in somebody’s ass

Sounds like a complete load of bobbins to me.

Dual fuel gas is the only viable alternative, there’s a big refuelling plant just of j18 of the m1 at Dirft & more are planned.

I just wouldn’t get involved with it at the mo. You need to be running new kit as well really. Hardstaff do the most commonly used system I believe. I’m not sure if them chive fuels gas tanks are still in use.

^^^Never seen more than 1 vehicle in that fuelling station at any given time. Mostly its empty.

Sounds like a complete load of bobbins to me.

Dual fuel gas is the only viable alternative, there’s a big refuelling plant just of j18 of the m1 at Dirft & more are planned.

I just wouldn’t get involved with it at the mo. You need to be running new kit as well really. Hardstaff do the most commonly used system I believe. I’m not sure if them chive fuels gas tanks are still in use.

It is…

If it was a good system then the next dot com bubble would have been inflated by now.

If you see it on a Tesco truck, it’s probably a good idea.

I looked in to it a while back when I was big & the chive fuels tanks were first put in but the initial outlay, pain of finding refuelling sites & reliability issues killed it for me.

If you see it on a Tesco truck, it’s probably a good idea.

I looked in to it a while back when I was big & the chive fuels tanks were first put in but the initial outlay, pain of finding refuelling sites & reliability issues killed it for me.

I think the OP is referring to having generating equipment on the truck as opposed to refuelling sites dotted around the country.

Yeah, I know. We shot down that idea & are now discussing viable alternatives to reduce fuel cost. Do keep up old chap :slight_smile:

Yeah, I know. We shot down that idea & are now discussing viable alternatives to reduce fuel cost. Do keep up old chap :slight_smile:

Sorry old bean :smiley: