hung over?????

hope everyone that went to the pda/trucknet xmas do last night had a great time.

just wondering if theres any gossip and whos really suffering :wink:

hair of the dog anyone :laughing: :laughing:


ask lcuy and samb :laughing:

good night i have all the stories as i had to stay sober, work today

We all behaved like true Professionals should :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:


ask lcuy and samb :laughing:

Don’t know what you mean Alix :blush: :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

Some of us had to remain fully in control of our senses :cry:
To ensure that The PDA and TruckNet members upheld the finest traditions of both sites…

I am pleased to say that I failed miserablyto stay sober… and therefore I have no knowledge of any misbehaviour/pranks/impropriety committed by myself or any other individual.

I can confirm that a great time was had by all… :laughing: :laughing: and the Paracetomol and Ibruprofen was in great demand this morning.

The highly successful PDA conference kicked of the weekend for many… and I am sure that details will be posted on the PDA website in due course.

I unfortuantly could not attend the morning sessions of the conference, having to be at a meeting in Luton first thing :frowning: However the meeting was extremely fruitful and I hope to be able to make a major announcement about TruckNet UK in the near future :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I would like to thank all the TruckNet & PDA members , for making the evening a resounding success

ask lcuy and samb :laughing:

It wasn’t me… :open_mouth: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I feel all poorly, i do.

TruckNet UK:
I unfortuantly could not attend the morning sessions of the conference, having to be at a meeting in Luton first thing

Glad someone got to be in Luton this weekend. :unamused: After a couple of days of careful consideration I have reached the conclusion, having been stuck here since Friday, that if Europe had haemorrhoids Paris is where you would apply the ointment. :smiling_imp: :open_mouth: :cry:


TruckNet UK:
I unfortuantly could not attend the morning sessions of the conference, having to be at a meeting in Luton first thing

Glad someone got to be in Luton this weekend. :unamused: After a couple of days of careful consideration I have reached the conclusion, having been stuck here since Friday, that if Europe had haemorrhoids Paris is where you would apply the ointment. :smiling_imp: :open_mouth: :cry:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

quote by alix

ask lcuy

see thats what alchol does to you still can’t type the morning after.

drunk in charge of a keyboard :wink:
