So after the long process of obtaining my class 1 licence today I just want to say thank you again to Sean and all the instructors at EP training. From start to finish they have been fantastic and utterly professional. Now on to start my career on the road!
Congrats on gaining your Class 1 driving God licence mate!
Was waiting for that rog. Thank you.
Was waiting for that rog. Thank you.
Hi Matt.B,
CONGRATULATIONS on passing your LGV C+E test
Now it’s time for the big grin.
You might not be thinking about it just yet, but… you might be able to get a couple of 7hr chunks of periodic DCPC done if you’re waiting on job applications or interviews. Just a thought.
I can recommend Sean at EP for the classroom DCPC too, cos I’ve been there and the facilities are first-class.
Well done Matt on passing - now time to get out there and try them in the real world. Scary and fantastic feeling all rolled into one.
As for Rog and Dave, we should add this thread to the medical checks as it’l test for epilepsy!