How to Upset a FLT Driver

i was working last night at a firm in bradford,nothing difficult,a night trunk with a DD trailer & swop at their depot.
they had already started loading my trailer before i got there so got my truck,did my checks,all ok.
went to my trailer & started to strap in various pallets,drums & IBC’s & anything else i felt need it.
the FLT driver is loading away & trys to put a pallets that’s to big on the top deck,i told him 3 times it won’t go & there is plenty of room on the bottom so put it there.he did after a bit of moaning as it meant he had to wait as i pulled the curtain forward a bit to get access to the back of the trailer.
i go round checking everything & there is a pallet on the top deck,with a gap of about 3 feet from the next pallet,on the bottom deck there was a pallet double stacked on another that looks as though it will collapse under the weight,2 pallets on the top deck that will go on the bottom deck as there is plenty of room for them,so i asked him to shift a few pallets around as i wasn’t happy with them & it would be safer for them to be on the bottom deck,the reason he’d stacked like they were,was becasue it meant he didn’t have to get off his truck & pull the curtains forward to make more room at the back,lazy sod.
so after being called an 'awkward ‘C’ :imp: i told him,i’m driving it,it’s my responsibilty when it’s on the road & it’s my licence if anything moves in transit & falls out of that curtain,if you did your ■■■■■■ job right i wouldn’t have to get you to move stuff!! :smiling_imp:
so a bit of argueing ensued,until the supervisor appeared & asked what was going on,told him i’d asked in a polite manner for a couple of pallets to be moved & the FLT driver called me an awkward ‘C’ & i wasn’t having it.
he told the FLT driver if i or any driver wants pallets moving,do it.their taking the load not you.
don’t think he was happy about getting ■■■■ from an agency driver,but sod him,i’m not risking getting done if anything happens to a load while i’m taking it

An easier way to upset a flt driver …■■■■ him :grimacing:
I know what you mean though, i think they do it just for the sake of being arkward trouble is it happens all to often.

Hear hear…well done that man :stuck_out_tongue:

An easier way to upset a flt driver …■■■■ him :grimacing:

done that,well punched him when he got off his truck,i’d never met such an ignorant,arrogant ■■■■■■ in my life,came to blows after he’d loaded me,i whacked him,they said they would call the police,i said do,then the wagon will be here all day & your load won’t get delivered as i’ll be arrested & it’s all ready late lol
think that was reason i got away with it,needless to say,agency said i was barred from site & couldn’t work for that haulage firm again. :laughing: :laughing: was well worth it though :wink:

I haven’t hit one yet but on more than one occasion i have come very close. I was a flt driver before i passed my class 1, 28 years ago. I always did as much as i could to help any driver can’t understand why some people are so hostile.

At least you were there mid loading what if you went for a brew then tipped up when he was finished how pi55ed off would he have been then??

How to Upset a FLT Driver
Ask him more than once to go out on the road in a private ind est to unload you, then listen to him explode as he says hes not insured to go on the road :unamused: :laughing:

How to Upset a FLT Driver
Ask him more than once to go out on the road in a private ind est to unload you, then listen to him explode as he says hes not insured to go on the road :unamused: :laughing:

I’m alright jack but when you want someone to take an uninsured vehicle (with possibly no tax, not registered to be on road and driver maybe with no license). Catch yourselves on.


How to Upset a FLT Driver
Ask him more than once to go out on the road in a private ind est to unload you, then listen to him explode as he says hes not insured to go on the road :unamused: :laughing:

I’m alright jack but when you want someone to take an uninsured vehicle (with possibly no tax, not registered to be on road and driver maybe with no license). Catch yourselves on.

Clues in the ‘private ind est’ bit, plenty of forkies who understand that its ok to drive on private land without numberplate, tax etc just a select few that don’t have a clue.

I wouldn’t have got into an arguement; I would have asked once and if no cooperation then find a supervisor. If they wont help then - bag in car and off home.

I made such Teather for a Year.
After few Weeks were i loading at Base myself,but Depot was hard to make them loading Propperly.
Steel Springs for Trailers on Top Floor and Crisp on main deck with Cable Rolls,Cement,and other heavy Stuff from Trailer Middle axle backwards Main and top deck.
Got left till last to load as reloading slows operation down,so i told them i need doing 11 Hour Break before going back as Tacho runs on Other work.
Switch to POA he said.No i replied,thats ilegal.
Well,so it just went on till i had enough and arrived after a Break down at 05.00 at Morning.
20 min for unloading and Loading :grimacing:
But i got fed up and went over Easter on holiday,when they had Time to roll the Lorry. a new daf 430 :unamused:
I did know it,and it was that Way.
The Trailer was that Top-Heavy that Warehouse Worker and Driver at Airline Handling expected the Trailer flipping over when he entered the Road very slowly.
The agency driver turned at next Roundabout around and went back,phoned up that he refuses to drive that Lorry and they had to find another Driver who overturned on the 4th Roundabout,just before coming to M25.
Don’t know who drove,but if it was the one i am thinking,then there’s not having a Class 1 License at all.
Now,i’m now with Agency again. :sunglasses:

the easiest way to upset a FLT driver is to
deprive them of their wacky baccy

the easiest way to upset a FLT driver is to
deprive them of their wacky baccy

or chuck a bacon butty at them

Fly driver gets asked one time only and politely!! After that it’s straight to the Organ-grinder!! :grimacing: No need to argue the toss with forks!! :laughing:

Tell them your hourly rates nearly as good as theirs!!!

When they’re going really slow on the forks and/or ramming into the side of the trailer, ask them if they’ve just passed their test and watch their face change. :laughing:

Rob K:
When they’re going really slow on the forks and/or ramming into the side of the trailer, ask them if they’ve just passed their test and watch their face change. :laughing:

that really gets on my nerves too, i just ask them have they got any brakes on that FLT, of course they answer yeah course, so i just say any chance of using them then.

no need for crashin into the back or sides all the time, pure laziness

God!!,and there was me thinking the answer was just turning up to deliver/ load!!!

Rob K:
When they’re going really slow on the forks and/or ramming into the side of the trailer, ask them if they’ve just passed their test and watch their face change. :laughing:

Or start to video them with your phone. Then they usually aske what you doing, so you answer well my boss is well hacked off with damage to the sides of the trailer/truck so as your adding to it I shall record some evidence then your lot can sort it out later at cost to may be you fella! Makes em jump too.



How to Upset a FLT Driver
Ask him more than once to go out on the road in a private ind est to unload you, then listen to him explode as he says hes not insured to go on the road :unamused: :laughing:

I’m alright jack but when you want someone to take an uninsured vehicle (with possibly no tax, not registered to be on road and driver maybe with no license). Catch yourselves on.

Clues in the ‘private ind est’ bit, plenty of forkies who understand that its ok to drive on private land without numberplate, tax etc just a select few that don’t have a clue.

Strangely enough this is a bit of a grey area. It depends on the level of how ‘private’ this ind estate is…if the public have easy access onto it, i.e. no gate then vehicles do need to be insured whilst on it…if there’s a barrier or something to stop any old Joe Bloggs then they don’t. It’s a stupid rule but it’s been taken to court before.

The airfield I fly from is still an RAF/MOD airfield with gates and signs saying that members of the public aren’t allowed on…but a friend of mine brought a mini moto down once and was told by a Chief Inspector that it didn’t have any tax, MOT or insurance and therefore was not allowed to be on the airfield in case of an accident, because it wasn’t insured for it.