How to keep cool

Right seeing as the days are going to get slightly hotter what do you guys do to cool the cab down. Im already at breaking point with sunroof window slightly down and sleeping on top in buff lol. what do you guys do?

Wet wipes in the fridge, mop the face with them

Right seeing as the days are going to get slightly hotter what do you guys do to cool the cab down. Im already at breaking point with sunroof window slightly down

Realistically without air con you need opening quarter lights like the old Mercs and DAF 2500/2800 which were turned into the airflow and both windows wound down.Even better was the opening windscreens of the really old wagons like the Matador.

Other than that the massive glass area of modern trucks is bad enough with just side windows wound down let alone ‘slightly down’ thereby adding to the glass area and lack of air flow. :open_mouth:

yh i drive a daf xf105 getting a tad hot now could do with a 24v air con or something lol.

I normally blast the AC about an hour before I stop, it also helps not to park directly into the sun which I found to my cost last night when I stopped at Gloucester services.

Got a smallish houshold fan…Run it of the inverter…Lovely breeze going through the cab…Cooling the air down

purchase a couple of these and when you park up stick em up on the windscreen and leave the windows open … n-sunshade