How tight were our parents?

My mam used to boil the kettle all sunday morning to steam the windows up just so the neighbours thought we were having a big sunday dinner !

Ahhh…you were lucky…you had a kettle and windows. My mother sold the windows and replaced them with sackcloth, which we wore to school on Mondays (Only Mondays, mind. We were up chimneys the rest of the week)…and she boiled water which she brought 10 miles from the well, over a single piece of coal which had to last the week, so we had to wash in it and then use it to make gruel and broth for the next 3 days’ dinner.

Gruel AND broth. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Some kids are just spolied.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Bloody hell im glad im not as ancient as you lot :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Me Old Dear makes herself a brew and then puts the tea bag on a saucer in the fridge. When she fancies another brew, out comes the same tea bag … twice more ! :open_mouth:

I bought her a big [zb] off box of top quality tea bags so she could use one per cup but she still saves the [zb]er’s. :unamused:

Oh, nearly forgot to mention saving expensive looking birthday and Crimbo wrapping paper off presents she receives so she can wrap someone elses present in it later in the year :unamused: .

Rob K:
Oh, nearly forgot to mention saving expensive looking birthday and Crimbo wrapping paper off presents she receives so she can wrap someone elses present in it later in the year :unamused: .

Thats sounds like my old Mum Rob, except she never drank tea.

I remember many years ago visiting my Gran and she went in the back kitchen to make a pot of tea. after a while there was some un - gran like speak as she was chuntering about something.

I went through to see her and she muttered she couldnt find the scissors :confused: I asked why she needed them and she looked at me dumb as she said it was to cut the teabags open :stuck_out_tongue: