How often do you get a new truck?

Just wondering how often you get a new truck?
is it millage dependant or age ?
or is it a new truck/ 2nd hand?

we get new vechs every 7 years ! think its the longest i have ever heard of or can someone beat this!

i would think ours are lease,all our 55,s and 06,s will be replaced with 08,s and 58,s by the end of summer time

Every 3 years no matter what the mileage or condition, all part of the company image you see :smiley: :smiley:

Just wondering how often you get a new truck?


Every six years apparantly. So next year for me :smiley:

What is this new truck thing you speak of ■■ :wink:

Well just this very day my lot have took away my old left ■■■■■■ :cry: after once again trying to fix it ,think they have spent 10k on it since last April, so it new truck for me, not realy looking forward to it , i will miss my 350, bet they replace it with a 220 or something like that :frowning:

So that would be every 7 years for us , but only on the 24trs, all the artics are replaced every 3 years

Often enough… :slight_smile: Trouble is changing trucks is like moving house, where does all the junk come from… :laughing:

every 2 or 3 years

7 years thats nothing a gas (lpg) crowd i worked with kept them for 14 years
and the trailers for 30 years
and in 20+ years of driving ive always avoided the new wagon companys when i could (somebodys got to pay for it ) :question:

New Truck ■■? :frowning: Still waiting.

totally random in our place, sometimes the new start gets a newish truck, and an longer serving employee has to battle it out in an old junker, sometimes the other way around

ive found that unless you ask for something, and / or push for it, you wont get it.

took me a fair fight after 2 years to get my actros, but to be fair, its one of the best trucks in the fleet and theres a lot of guys ahead of the queue so to speak than me.

I know I don’t drive a truck but my Rattle & Hum (56 plate Maxus) is being replaced tuesday with…

An 08 plate Maxus :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: , I swear they are put together with whats left in the parts bins from when they were building Allegros.

Hope their bigger brothers are much better

It is rumored that at least 5 FM’s with 400 gee gee’s each will be appearing in our yard May this year. The fleet is mixed in age at the moment with the oldest being Y reg and the 2 newest being 06’s. It would be nice for new trailers too, but I’m not holding my breath! :laughing:

7 years minimum, 10 max,but the driver gets to go testdrivin round the dealers and ultimately pick his make/model and spec :smiley:
So it’s worth the wait.

once the tacho gets to 160,000 off they pop. My 07 plate is on 140,000 so clera out time coming up soon.

At least 10 years here, 3 new wagons in 23 years

once the tacho gets to 160,000 off they pop. My 07 plate is on 140,000 so clera out time coming up soon.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

who’s that with someone like maritime.

Not sure on how often they replace trucks at our place but we got over half of trucks on 57 plates I think. Have placed my order already with the boss, hopefully by some constant badgering I will get one next! :wink:

Currently I am driving a V reg scanny 124 420, she goes like a dream pulls at a constant speed all day long, unfortunately the boss doesnt like scanias, the fleet is volvo and dafs, the scanny was a quick aquisition to fulfil a contract.

once the tacho gets to 160,000 off they pop. My 07 plate is on 140,000 so clera out time coming up soon.

hardly run in :open_mouth: add another nought would be better :wink:

Well, I was driving for 40 odd years and in that time I had 3 new motors, a Daf 3300 at Econofreight, an FH12 at Toray and a Magnum from Paul Gauthier, so I suppose that makes my answer every 13 years or so. :unamused: :laughing:
Mind you, I’ve had some cracking ones that weren’t new in between. :wink: :laughing: