How much?

Went into one of the companys i work for today and found out that in the last two weeks they have paid just over £2000 in parking tickets .This the boss said is what they pay out all the time.the company has a couple of contracts and thankfully i dont have a problem with parking but on the other contract they deliver to small shops that are on red routes or double yellow lines .You would think in these hard times the government/TFl would try and help the companys that have to deliver into london,50 grand on parking tickets is proper taking the P in my books and makes you wonder just how much is being made out of transport companys who are only doing whats needed to keep people in food/clothes and the like.

If Company pays Parking ticket its still the Drivers Name popping up on Computer
think on that :wink:

cant see how the drivers name would come up as the traffic warden /camera just takes the trucks reg but i think your missing the point ,which is the fact that the company has to pay out over 50 grand a year which must hurt them alot

cant see how the drivers name would come up as the traffic warden /camera just takes the trucks reg but i think your missing the point ,which is the fact that the company has to pay out over 50 grand a year which must hurt them alot

If you work at Tsco you need to fill a Form out with Detals of driver,Company,Place in Question and forward it with Fine.Council of London needs details of driver :bulb:

I used to work for brakes and delivered up central London most days and it wasn’t unusual to go back to the yard with 5-6 parking tickets a day, not much you could do about it really. Took ages filling out the paper work to explain every parking ticket.

Same at DBC, used to be a bi of fun trying to get away before the wardens got you. Sometimes the wardens were literally waiting for you, never any issues about the tickets but it did involve form filling.

bosses choice, if he is daft enough to pay, then that’s up to him.

easy solution… if everybody would do it…dont go into london, park up at nearest services on m25 , ring customer and tell em to come and get it, starve the silly sods, it serves them right for living in such a dump.

“internal London Transport” now theres an idea

easy solution… if everybody would do it…dont go into london, park up at nearest services on m25 , ring customer and tell em to come and get it, starve the silly sods, it serves them right for living in such a dump.

My thoughts exactly. When Boris is wiping his ■■■ on an empty crisp packet, he’ll be very glad to see the next truck delivering the stuff they need.

Park up at the services and your load would be trans-shipped to 30 transits and delivered that way. That would be cost effective wouldn’t it. Plus think about no monster lorries in the capital, just 30 vans replacing each one. Stuff would only cost roughly double and the congestion would cause chaos. Sounds like a ■■■■ good plan to me!

presumably the boss passes on this cost in his charges to the customer so its a bit like collecting VAT for the taxman.
If the customers didn’t want to pay it they could always open through the night for deliveries and do it that way.
Not sure that London Council having your name on their records would have any effect.

We appeal all of the parking tickets we get and about fifty per cent are overturned. Usually yellow lines ones get cancelled, rarely bus stops and never the parking on the pavement ones. At some of our drops the wardens know when we are due and wait for us because they know the only place we can park is on the double yellows or in the bus stop. What annoys me is the councils, Newnham for one, who use the CCTV cameras to give tickets out, so many wardens have let me off a ticket because they see me unloading but not the ■■■■■ in the camera room. :imp:

I don’t pay the tickets so they’re not my problem. I always try to park legally but that’s not always possible. Many years ago I did have one client who asked through the agency if I could pay the ticket, not ■■■■■■■ likely!

presumably the boss passes on this cost in his charges to the customer so its a bit like collecting VAT for the taxman.
If the customers didn’t want to pay it they could always open through the night for deliveries and do it that way.
Not sure that London Council having your name on their records would have any effect.

The cost of parking fines is tax deductable at the end of the year, so really the government is losing out to the council, not the haulier.


presumably the boss passes on this cost in his charges to the customer so its a bit like collecting VAT for the taxman.
If the customers didn’t want to pay it they could always open through the night for deliveries and do it that way.
Not sure that London Council having your name on their records would have any effect.

The cost of parking fines is tax deductable at the end of the year, so really the government is losing out to the council, not the haulier.

Not too sure that is the case. I’m fairly certain that whereas parking charges are definitely deductable, ‘fines and punitive awards’ are not, I saw something about it in one of the booklets HMRC give out, if I find it I’ll post the link.

I also can’t see that parking fines (or any fines) would be tax deductable.

There’s a big notice gone up in one of the companies I work in, basically take photos whenever you get a ticket, as you can load/unload on double yellows as long as there’s no little sign saying not or lines on the actual kerb.

There’s a big notice gone up in one of the companies I work in, basically take photos whenever you get a ticket, as you can load/unload on double yellows as long as there’s no little sign saying not or lines on the actual kerb.

This is true, kurb chevrons = no loading, single = at times, double is at anytime, triple is the same … god knows why.

Double Yellows = no parking or no waiting, loading is accepted.

Double reds or clearways though mean no stopping including no loading.

The ticket for double yellow lines includes ‘nobody seen loading / unloading for a minimum of 2 minutes observation’ or words along those lines, so a ticket whilst loading or unloading = fraud.

Used to be fraud for a ticket on a motorbike too, because it asked for front and rear number plates seperate and wouldn’t let you leave the front blank, anything entered = fraud, but they closed that loophole so they could make money out of motorbikes :imp: