How much for the medical

after reading another posting.and posting a reply…this prompted me to ask all you fellow truckers out there…how much were you charged for your medical??
When the medical stipulation first came about…it was so new that my doctor didn`t know how much to charge so in the end charged 50p…my last one was £65…which went into his back pocket…not bad for 15 minutes work eh !
so i was wondering if we can get an average cost from around the country…when posting the charge.put your town so we can see who charges the most or the least…my charge is in london
have a nice day

i’m not at that age yet but a couple of our lads at the depot have had theres in the past 6months and it cost them 60 quid.we are based in the eurocentral nr motherwell :wink:

Mine cost £80 for my medical, and I’m in East London, in the London Borough or Barking and Dagenham… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Mine was £65.00 and that was 2 years ago here in Honiton. The company reimbursed me but I had to cough up for the licence. When I ran for Wincanton they paid for it all.

Nov. 03

My own Doc wanted £70. :frowning:
Phoned round a few surgeries from yellow pages, got it down to £30 :laughing:

Preston. Lancs.

This is timely,I need to have my medical soon.I rang my own doc and was quoted at least £60 if anyone knows where i can get it done for less in let me know please (Robin Barstewards) :confused:

I was in Celcius First at Hamshall early hours Monday morning and while waiting for my paperwork, noticed an advert there for medicals… priced at £28!!!

thanks fellow truckers for your seems obvious that we do not have to go to our own doctor then…just search for the cheapest…i will of course give it a try…but looking at some of the charges it looks on average between £60 to £70 quid…easy money eh ! think i`ll retrain as a medical examiner…bring on the ladies…ha ha