How many Britons are needed to change a bulb?


19 years to get the legendary PZL P 11C into service at which point it was only stopped from beating the Luftwaffe by those useless Brits deciding to enter the war using their equally useless technology and skills learn’t from losing the Schneider Cup on numerous occasions even with all the money saved by staying out of WW1 and leaving the Germans to sort out the Slavs.Thereby causing the war to drag on for around 5 years longer than it would have done if we’d have left those superior Polish workers to finish the job. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Still can’t get over it that it was all these Polish pilots who learned their ropes on PZL P11C that saved your arse in Battle of Britain? :slight_smile:

You can bet that there never would have been a Battle of Britain according to Polish history if a few clever Polish pilots hadn’t decided to leave those heaps on the ground and zb off to Britain ASAP before the Germans either shot them down or caught them. :smiling_imp:

But you can also bet the ungrateful zb’s were probably moaning about the lazy,useless,overpaid British workers who built those piece of junk Spitfires and Hurricanes just the same as their future generations who’ve come here more recently.

Although having said that Polish history seems to think that most of the Luftwaffe had been shot down by those PZL P11C’s before the Germans started on us.Therefore the Battle of Britain was just a waste of time and effort considering the inferiority of those Spitfires built by those useless British workers which caused us to lose it anyway. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

I take it as “yes”.

Have a nice evening!