How long was it until the Severe Daily-Anxiety of driving a lorry stopped occuring for You personally? :/


I do ensure to have my mirrors + seat setup as best as possible (*well as ultra low as possible for the seat!);
But it’s more just a case of being ultra concious & vigilant (like I was taught during my Class 1 training) to check your mirrors every 10-20 seconds whilst driving a lorry!
(But ofcourse that does become very mentally-tiring / Not to mention causes neck-ache eventually too)


But yes, hopefully within the coming weeks (*potentially months) I will start finding the ‘‘action’’ of driving a HGV lorry easier + enjoyable :: Rather than simply extremely stressful + pyschologically draining & daunting! :neutral_face: :expressionless: :face_with_head_bandage: :face_with_head_bandage:

I do get that ultimately this is ‘‘a job’’, and so it’s not exactly gonna be a pleasure-holiday… ect
However I was *(plus techically still am) in quite a fortunate position in my life, where I’ve gotten (worked) myself to a position where I no longer actually really need to ‘‘work to be able to afford my bills’’… ect

Instead I can simply work by/for choice, doing a job-role which I would find more enjoyable vs just relaxing at home all day.
But so therefore don’t particularly wanna be feeling extreme anxiety & pyschological-stress about doing a job :: When I could instead just be earning the same £££ money working a cushy stress-free job (such as a night security-guard in office / watching movies on my laptop for 12-hours, whilst getting paid).


I do have an actual genuine passion for ‘‘driving’’ though | So hopefully I will start enjoying driving HGV lorries within the coming weeks. :full_moon_with_face:

Take the positives. If you are a driver you can get your music, podcasts or whatever on.

My take on the whole mirrors aspect is generally that in the real-world, it is as and when required, which you will instinctively learn without even realising it. For example on a winding country road you should know if there is someone behind you and how close they are. Once you know this, you just monitor it. No need to constantly check. On the motorway occasional glances to see what is coming past you and to be honest not looking at the nearside mirror very often, unless there is joining traffic.

mirror usage is relative. driving round a busy town with pedestrians etc etc you obviously need to be on the mirrors a lot more than on the motorway where you might only check them at joining slip roads and the occasional glance to see whats overtaking etc. I appreciate you feel you need to use them to check your positioning but i assume you don’t feel the need to check your position in your car.

you will develop an awareness of what is going on round you


" I still (even 5-weeks on) feel extremely anxious & nervous about physically driving the lorry on roads"…try and discipline yourself to get on with it,and break the fear. Although 5 weeks is still early days to be apprehensive. For your own welfare and progress,just brave it an drive mellow. I have only been driving HGV-2 for 5 months,but driven buses for years.

I would expect things to get easier after 3 months and things will be a lot easier after 6 months

Are the office on the phone to you every 5 minutes or do they leave you alone for the day to work at your own pace? I’ve been driving HGVs for years but changed job last August and found the office were phoning every 5 minutes and would not leave drivers alone - It was the most stressful driving job I’ve had and it wasn’t even the driving side that was causing the issues. By November I had left, found another company and I’ve been happy as Larry since. The new company leave you alone and short of you running over an hour late, wont call ever. That phone-happy company would also take on new drivers, wouldn’t teach them how to use a tacho or reverse or anything and wondered why they had such a high accident rate, on the road and in their yard.

Has anyone actually shown you how to reverse the truck onto a bay (Without a camera)? If not, that could definitely be affecting confidence and anxiety.

There are advantages being an oldie, when I started if the boss wanted to talk to me he had to wait till I wanted another load, found 4 pennies and a red phone box first. :joy:

sorry if it’s been mentioned and I missed it… how about upgrading your automatic car driving licence to a manual one? should be easy enough, no theory, just book a test and get in some practice


The ‘‘nervousness + anxiety’’ that I had been feeling faded-away approx 2-weeks ago now.
(So 6-weeks after I started the job)

*I personally only work 3-days per week, (with 2 of them being every Saturday & Sunday :: Where 95% of the day-duration is spent just sat at the depot, due to lack of work) | Thus I’m only actually spending 1-day per week ‘‘out on the road, driving around the country in a HGV lorry’’…
Hence why it may of taken me slightly longer to stop feeling so nervious vs Someone who’s driving a lorry 4-5 days in a row each week.


Ultimately though I no longer would describe how I feel about driving a HGV as ‘‘anxious or nervous’’…
Instead it’s now more just a feeling of being ‘‘Concious & Aware of my lack of experience’’.

(So I wouldn’t for example attempt to slide through narrow gaps, which other more experienced HGV drivers would just do with ease… ect | But I do feel confident inside that I have the skill & capability to actually drive a HGV safely on all types of roads)


I’m still not 100% sure if driving a HGV will be my long-term career (or if in the future I will change to a van-driver job);
But for now, the job-role I’ve got seems extremely good compared to 99% of what other 7.5t drivers have (3-4 deliveries per day max / 0% physical carrying / guaranteed 12-hour shifts) :: And so I’m not intending to quit this job.

Good… Glad it is starting to work out for you.
Give it a couple more years and you’ll be back here telling us it is all too boring and you want to go driving in narrow lanes with bigger vehicles! How you`re getting lazy and need more exercise! :grinning: