How long until your licence comes back?

Just wondering how long on avarage it take for your licence to come back from the DVLA with your new catagory on it?

I passed about a week and a half ago. :laughing:

it was about 10 calendar days for me

it was about 10 calendar days for me

About the same…


it was about 10 calendar days for me

About the same…

and two working days since the new entitlement has been added online



it was about 10 calendar days for me

About the same…

and two working days since the new entitlement has been added online

Mine took about 6 days before it was updated online, and the licence followed about 3 days later in the post.

Driving licence: 8 days
Digital Tacho: 4 days
DQC Card: 14 days

Well it’s been 11 calendar days and 7 working days since I passed and online it still states my C1 is provisional :confused:

To update, just called the DVLA and she told me that it has been posted last Thursday and that the online system usually takes longer to update. So I should get it in the post fairly soon :slight_smile:

Looks unusual, let us know when you get it and when the online thing gets updated please

I will do. Double checked the online system and it still says C1 provisional. Licence issue 4 (which was my previous licence issue number)

I checked online, when it did change, roughly 7 days. I got my licence 2 days after, I suppose it depends on your pass day and weekends

shouldn’t take no longer then a couple of weeks mate