What where those paper things with squiggly lines on it at 1.30 that they are all looking at?
Also loved the bit at the end with the health inspector checking the pheasants with a ■■■ hanging out of his gob
Class, thanks for the post
Great piece of film, thanks for posting it.
Cheers Dave.
Good vid, thanks for posting
Another great video from the Look at Life series.
Some things never seem to change though, like the driver reasons why they preferred driving on the Continent.
How times and attitudes have changed.
Cracking video, wonder if Jim and his mate are still around (probably be about 77 now).
Ye thanks for posting, Gave me a insight into what me uncle and his mate used to do, they used stop at our house for a brew on there outward trip and let me sit in the drivers seat, what a thrill it was for me at the age of 10, me uncle long retired he is 72 yrs old.
Yep, they would be getting on a bit now, if they are still alive.
What a great video and I love the very British commentary accent.
Cracking good stuff, all the “Look at Life” are worth a watch & the film quality is always first class!
That was soooo good.
I used to sail out of Immingham on that ship, and the tor gothia.
My father in law drove an ERF identical to that old beast the boiler suite the brylcreme right down to the little suite case.
I never thought the wife would actually enjoy a trucking video but she loved it.
Thanks for posting.
I was shocked that they went part way under the bridge before realising it wasn’t going to fit.
Did they not know height of vehicle and height of bridges in them days?
He said it had just got new springs must have fitted under the week before
AMAZING,but what truck was that polish rig,and i had to laugh when it stated the cost of the lorry £10,000 pounds, as it said how much has changed,nice old ERF though
Thanks for that, proper digs and no sleeping in the cab - result!
Cracking vid mate, got me watching the others, liked this one to about night trunkers
Them look at life films are great I watched loads of different ones not just truck ones. BBC4 showed some a few months back.
Why can’t we have some intelligent well made ones done on. Modern day jobs and life. It’s a real insight in to other peoples life’s and be better than most of the reality crap on the box at the moment.