How far is your yard from home?

Hi guys as the subject line suggests how for do you travel to get to your yard? I’ve been chatting with a few drivers and it seems distance is no object for the right job. Any thoughts?

4 miles :slight_smile:

In Hull you can work for £7-£7.50/hr or you can drive 22 miles up the road to Goole/Howden and be on another £2/hr. I reckon in a lot of areas its the same thing. Plus when you’re tramping away all week it doesn’t really matter too much if you have to travel a couple of hours to get to work.

My chauffeur does 28 miles

I travel 6 Miles, I live south of Derby city centre but work north of it in Little Eaton.
No problem getting there, pain in the arse getting back to the yard at night down the A38 or A61 then A61/A52 home again. :cry:

About 5 and a half hours driving and a 3 hour ferry crossing. :slight_smile:

15 Minutes in the day time. 10 Minutes at night.

As the crow flies it’s 7 miles
AA Route planner says 24 miles
My Route is just over 8.5 miles

250 miles, but I am allowed to bob tail each way with my truck every weekend if there is no load coming my way.

11 miles, use several routes around the various bottlenecks on the way home when the great unwashed are about.

About 5 and a half hours driving and a 3 hour ferry crossing. :slight_smile:

Just out of interest, how often do you get home Luke? Or do you only go home for hols unless you’re passing with a load?


About 5 and a half hours driving and a 3 hour ferry crossing. :slight_smile:

Just out of interest, how often do you get home Luke? Or do you only go home for hols unless you’re passing with a load?

Whenever I ask they send me home. No fixed time, just whenever I fancy it.

8 miles, I cycle so feels like 18 :grimacing:

10 mins in morning 15 on way home 4 days a week ! week afta next (moving house ) will be 5 mins in morning and 10 in evening !

Hi all.90kms, but i get free fuel.It only takes an hour as we have no traffic.Plus we have 2 bedrooms at the yard if i don’t feel like driving home or if i do extra work.

22 miles each way everyday, and at 25mpg it`s getting bleedin expensive now.

22 miles each way everyday, and at 25mpg it`s getting bleedin expensive now.

About 7 - 8 minutes so i’m guessing 5 miles give or take and it’s all back roads so never encounter any traffic.

600 metres, just moved house, it used to be from France to England, courtesy of Michael o Leary for three weeks on, one week off, could fly back and forwards for average price of 16 - 25 euros, no I can walk, when it’s not raining, a tank of fuel on my car will last 9 months at this rate.


My Depot is about 400 miles away in France but i do come home with the unit & trailer every weekend. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

2 miles each way. Cycle mostly & sometimes walk