How do you get used to driving in London FFS?

General LAST week was ok. Reported to JH on Monday to be told, go back to your end, nowt down here for you!!! Had another crap week. May be departing sooner rather than later.

Yeah noticed you lot were quiet seems to have picked up a bit though,never stopped for the last three weeks on the rigids.

Crikey bowserman, how the hell do you do it in one of those.With the overhang?
I salute you sir. :wink:

Another observation about London. Couldn’t believe how many people are wondering about with cups of coffee i.e Starbucks etc (probably at £3 a go !!).
Is it some religious cult thing down there or what?
I’m too tight to pay it. Rather brew up in the cab for next to nowt.

nearly all my driving in my last job was in central london, When I first went down there, my dad gave me the best bit of advise ever;

To get out/to where you need to be, just aim for the biggest, most expensive looking car you can see and they’ll soon get out of your way :open_mouth: :laughing:

Frankly, the best thing to do is just get on with what you’re doing and don’t let it intimidate you. But - you’ve seen their mentality now, they think of only where they’re going and how quickly to get there, now that you’re aware of it you know what to look out for (hopefuly that makes sense).

Just get on with it, and keep your eyes peeled, especially your mirrors (the bikes and motorbikes do things that you’d never expect, like going up your side even when you’re indicating) and you’re fine. Don’t go in with less than an hour and a half to your next break and look out for traffic wardens, they’re like lightning round there!

Good advice there darkseeker.
Must admit I almost dropped a bit of a b**llock as regards the break thing.
I was only 45 mins from having to take my break & had to leg it out of the City and only just got to a layby near Barnet before I ran out of time.

My old man gave me a great bit of advice for when driving in London, if your crossing a junction or going round a roundabout get a black cab on your inside (even if your driving a 52ft, 44t artic) because no one will hit one as thier insurance wont cover it.

Drivin in Londons a doddle…be aggressive and you’ll get along fine!

I used to drive a van upto and around London everyday,its a ■■■■■■■ nightmare all the time,it was even more so driving a wagon round there as I could’nt use all the shortcuts I used to know cause of weight limits,width restrictions Lorry ban etc.
The thing to do is just drive like everybody else,I ■■■■■■■ hate going there in a Lorry,it makes me go cold when I get given the paperwork the day before.
just drive like a ■■■■■■■■ everbody else up,push/bully your way in and take up 2 lanes to stop all the ■■■■■■■ idiots cutting up your inside/outside although they still manage to do it!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:
■■■■■■■ hole

I practised around Paris :smiley:

Do smithfield now and again with lambs. Generally not to bad as your in and out in the middle of the night, but there just idiots in cars same as anywhere else.

I remember i used to be stressed by london, now i just take it in my stride. I guess the more you do the easier it gets.

I don’t let blind and deaf pedestrians, cyclists, and bmw drivers in london get to me.
I use two lanes at all lights and roundabouts.
And if that dosn’t work i use 170db diesel train horns.
It’s a miracle they get their sight and hearing back.

I’ve been doing London for nearly 4years now…all the asian areas likes ilford, southall, croydon etc etc…multidrop…4 days a week…and loving it…it was hard first…but if you know your way around you’ll be fine…
my main enemies there are red bus drivers and motor/cyclists.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:25 pm Post subject:

I practised around Paris

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: now that place IS a frikkin nightmare !!!

Try it with a 9 Car Transporter with a peak. The traffic lights go round like spinning tops!!!

I hate the place!!

Have to admire you mate i did 34yrs uk and eu but thankfully never with one of them especially round london,i used to get ■■■■■■■ with a 13.6mtr tilt,that was bad enough.

only ever had to drive in london once, a delivery of shop fittings to house of frazer on oxford street though parked up in the wee alley way/street behind it.

if youve ever delivered there and saw a fraikin lorry parked there back in mayish that as me a parking ticket and nearly got a second one even though i explained tot he traffic warden i couldnt move, even showed him the drivers hours book i had and he was having none of it so i flagged down a passing police car who told him to basically sod off.

though i take no prisoners when driving in general, only thing i hated was the horn on that truck i had, weedy car horn grrr.
still its fun but i couldnt do it everyday, i enjoy my drives along the back roads of scotland :slight_smile:

in london you just drive like you own the road, nobody else matters,dont give an inch because if you do you will everyman and his dog in that inch,believe me they soon move when your bearing down on them in a truck, the trouble with london is they all think that us truck drivers are the demons of the road, they dont seem to realise how all their goods get to and from them…

Yeah ! its perfectly legit to cover your number plates.
Actually why put them on at all mate.

The police/vosa dont mind. if you ring the help line they will send you out a pack that covers them up for you. , they are very nice about it.

Take care now and have a nice day

Thanks JR,
I thought it would be OK :unamused:

Having a great day :smiley:

just treat it the same as you treat any city in the eu. its a streth of tarmac with idiot car drivers. do what you need to do in your own time at your own pace. everyone else will have to wait.

london, its a rat race mate! stand your ground!! were causing chaos there everyday Reinstating the tarmac on the roads!! Bloody Roadworkers!!