hi all just a quick one i have recently returned to hgv driving after being at university trying to better myself however my question is this since returning (and it may just be a case of i forgot what its like and i only drove weekends while at uni) i have noticed more and more drivers refuse to allow a quicker vehicle pass! and i am on about hgv’s most vehicles limiters are within 1-2 miles an hour different if i get a vehicle overtaking me on a dual carriagway i will slow a bit to allow it past rather than getting the 3 mile tailbacks if you dont! but have noticed more and more will sit while you crawl past its the same if you overtake on a hill as well!
so far enjoying the forum with some good banter and useful information on here (sometimes)
apologies about the title but tried 3 different versions and went for this
hi all just a quick one i have recently returned to hgv driving after being at university trying to better myself however my question is this since returning (and it may just be a case of i forgot what its like and i only drove weekends while at uni) i have noticed more and more drivers refuse to allow a quicker vehicle pass! and i am on about hgv’s most vehicles limiters are within 1-2 miles an hour different if i get a vehicle overtaking me on a dual carriagway i will slow a bit to allow it past rather than getting the 3 mile tailbacks if you dont! but have noticed more and more will sit while you crawl past its the same if you overtake on a hill as well!
so far enjoying the forum with some good banter and useful information on here (sometimes)
apologies about the title but tried 3 different versions and went for this
Years ago the Motorway Hill up we were driving next to another,sharing a sandwich and a Beer.
Today,well its too much Traffic now,but you also may not find many to have a giggle with
You also do not need to stop on Hard Shoulder for having a chat with others as the only who stop are Traffic officers,and dont put your Phone number anywhere on the Lorry as just too many have fun to phone it up.
Otherwise see to get employment,as Agency work goes only from April to End of Year for most
oh i have employment well agency work as refuse to work for what full time jobs are offering its just the fact that so many drivers refuse to slow down a touch to let you past then wonder why cars and bikes etc constantly whine about bloody trucks taking ages to pass slowing us up etc etc
my point being is it so hard just to slow a couple of miles an hour to allow what is a faster truck past? little things like this may help for joe public to see us as a bit more professional the amount of times recently i have started to pass up hill and once levelled out its been easier to slow down rather than cause a tailback as the other driver speeds up to their limiter and refuses to allow you past until the next hill comes and you eventually go past
sounds like you do it how the proper drivers do it, unlike the tossers.
you may have been out of the job for a while, but you havn’t forgot how to be courteous.
thanks phil i just think if we want to be treat like professionals then we need to act like it lets be honest in all walks of life we all remember the bad far far quicker than the good. to earn respect you need to show it
I only do 52 so I never have to worry about the side by side thing anymore
thanks phil i just think if we want to be treat like professionals then we need to act like it lets be honest in all walks of life we all remember the bad far far quicker than the good. to earn respect you need to show it
And of course you think your way is professional…
giving respect and courtesy to other road users oh no that cant be right i forgot i should be so concerned about my timed deliveries that i can under no circumstances reduce my speed to save a tailback for other road users i should drive as if my life depended on it and sod every one else what do you think
giving respect and courtesy to other road users oh no that cant be right i forgot i should be so concerned about my timed deliveries that i can under no circumstances reduce my speed to save a tailback for other road users i should drive as if my life depended on it and sod every one else what do you think
I think you talk bollox. You’ll fit in here.
It is a little short sighted on some drivers holding up miles of cars because at some point there is going to be someone stuck in that lot who does have the power to do something about it, they will be so peeed off that eventually legislation will be introduced to limit trucks on a two lane road to the nearside only - no overtaking. Enoch Powell was wrong also eh?
Normally stick to 85 but if i’m running out of time or already have its bang on the limiter, 89. Will generally slow down for people if their struggling but 99% of the time you never get a thanks.
It is so much easier and less stressful just to let the “faster” truck past. It gets a bit frustrating when “Freddy” crawls past at 0.0005km/h faster than you - and pulls sharply in causing you to brake.
I tend to ease off when someone is passing, just to make sure that they have plenty of room before I flash them in, (despite currently doing agy at Stobarts, I can drive like a human).
hi all just a quick one i have recently returned to hgv driving after being at university trying to better myself however my question is this since returning (and it may just be a case of i forgot what its like and i only drove weekends while at uni) i have noticed more and more drivers refuse to allow a quicker vehicle pass! and i am on about hgv’s most vehicles limiters are within 1-2 miles an hour different if i get a vehicle overtaking me on a dual carriagway i will slow a bit to allow it past rather than getting the 3 mile tailbacks if you dont! but have noticed more and more will sit while you crawl past its the same if you overtake on a hill as well!
so far enjoying the forum with some good banter and useful information on here (sometimes)
apologies about the title but tried 3 different versions and went for this
If you hava such a small speed advantage how about staying put. It’s those that go for slow overtakes that cause the tailback not the guy tramping on at a steady speed, what ever that speed is.
hi all just a quick one i have recently returned to hgv driving after being at university trying to better myself however my question is this since returning (and it may just be a case of i forgot what its like and i only drove weekends while at uni) i have noticed more and more drivers refuse to allow a quicker vehicle pass! and i am on about hgv’s most vehicles limiters are within 1-2 miles an hour different if i get a vehicle overtaking me on a dual carriagway i will slow a bit to allow it past rather than getting the 3 mile tailbacks if you dont! but have noticed more and more will sit while you crawl past its the same if you overtake on a hill as well!
so far enjoying the forum with some good banter and useful information on here (sometimes)
apologies about the title but tried 3 different versions and went for this
If you hava such a small speed advantage how about staying put. It’s those that go for slow overtakes that cause the tailback not the guy tramping on at a steady speed, what ever that speed is.
this is very true bazstan.
but some are new, and make a few ■■■■ ups.
then you get the ■■■ in lane one, that isn’t on the limiter, then speeds up when you’re next to him. and the guy in the middle lane looks like the plonker.
hi all just a quick one i have recently returned to hgv driving after being at university trying to better myself however my question is this since returning (and it may just be a case of i forgot what its like and i only drove weekends while at uni) i have noticed more and more drivers refuse to allow a quicker vehicle pass! and i am on about hgv’s most vehicles limiters are within 1-2 miles an hour different if i get a vehicle overtaking me on a dual carriagway i will slow a bit to allow it past rather than getting the 3 mile tailbacks if you dont! but have noticed more and more will sit while you crawl past its the same if you overtake on a hill as well!
so far enjoying the forum with some good banter and useful information on here (sometimes)
apologies about the title but tried 3 different versions and went for this
If you hava such a small speed advantage how about staying put. It’s those that go for slow overtakes that cause the tailback not the guy tramping on at a steady speed, what ever that speed is.
fair enough point but if your faster your faster and yeah i sometimes do slow down and just set the limiter that bit lower but its things like getting halfway past on a hill etc that boils my pee
Yes but if you’re not fast enough to overtake reasonably quickly then stay where you are, there’s a good chap! Now go and read your Highway Code, properly mind and stop getting all aerated…
Sorry that didn’t come out right ^ but can’t undo it? Well can’t be bothered really!