How do you deal with tramping

Hi all,I’ve been called for container tramping job in London area. I’ve done the odd night out work at my current job wich I don’t mind; but tramping the whole week is another level. I would be happy to know your views and comments on how do you deal with food, sleeping time …
Ps I know some people will say “don’t do it” but I nsee the money.

Tramping all week is like Marmite, some like it, some don’t.
Pack baby wipes in case of no time for a shower.
Ask the employer to sign up to Snap account parking, where the driver doesn’t pay on entry.
The firm is invoiced later.
There is a tendency to fill the cab with the kitchen sink, so when you need to empty it for a holiday, you need a wheelbarrow or car trailer.
Have double of what is needed, for example, leave one shaver,toothbush/paste, soap, towel at home and the same items left in the cab.
The same for bedding and duvets.
Basic medical kit for tummy upsets or headaches.
Hand sterilizer.

I used to tramp and loved it. But it’s not for everyone. Used to leave home late afternoon Sunday and get home Friday night/Sat morning. If you have a partner, he/she needs to be supportive or it wont work. I only did it for the money but packed up to be fair to family when situation was sorted.

For a single person, nothing finer IMO. For “married”, perhaps not so clever on a long term basis.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:

Referring to those with control-freak partners.

Thanks everyone for comments.I got to interview and the pay was much less than advertised.40 hrs/week for £8.I wish I hadn’t taken the day off. :angry: