How do you actually get a trucking job in the USA?

I’m trying to figure out how this would work…Apparently you need a CDL to apply or to even potentially qualify for work visa but how do you get a CDL in the first place? Can you get it on a tourist visa, then leave the US to apply for a sponsored job/H2B visa? It seems like a chicken/egg dilemma again.

You could try contacting the “My Trucking Skills” guy on you tube? He’s Irish so I’m guessing he migrated at some point. He might be able to help.

It can’t be that hard, a lot of American drivers on another forum moaning about immigrants getting CDLs, and many, allegedly without English.

It’s as/more difficult to get into than NZ or Australia or even Canada …for Brits.
Marriage status is the only hope.Truck driving isn’t on the Green Card list …for us.