How do family members view your job?

Last week before leaving home for the usual two weeks away was having breakfast with the family when my son(aged 6) asked what I would be doing at work. gave a brief rundown of the next few days usual stuff get lorry get loaded ship out to England tip n reload then head out to the continent, after a brief pause my daughter ( aged 3) said " so daddy you are just a delivery boy then". Cue much laughter from everyone else. Nothing like a three year olds perspective to put you in your place!

Last week before leaving home for the usual two weeks away was having breakfast with the family when my son(aged 6) asked what I would be doing at work. gave a brief rundown of the next few days usual stuff get lorry get loaded ship out to England tip n reload then head out to the continent, after a brief pause my daughter ( aged 3) said " so daddy you are just a delivery boy then". Cue much laughter from everyone else. Nothing like a three year olds perspective to put you in your place!

Listen even airline Pilots are delivery boys and they don’t really even get to fly the plane, some electrical circuit board does that :grimacing:

PMSL! But so bloody true! Kids won’t ever bullshine you! :wink:

" so daddy you are just a delivery boy then". !

Thats funny :laughing:

My 3 yr old twin girls think all I do is sleep at work since they saw the bed in the cab.

got to admit that did cheer me up after a crap day

That is all a lot of us are and that’s why I never understand why some lads pay maybe £3000 to drive a dustcart or skip wagon saying it’s there dream job. There must be half of the drivers doing little jobs with a lot of handballing as there are long distance.