How did your Transport Manager (TM) get the job?

Remembering that this is Bully’s, the question is:

How do you think it was that your TM got the job :question:

What skills did the directors decide were necessary for a TM to have :question:

Was it an in-depth understanding of transport :question:

Was it “people skills” and a caring and compassionate nature :question:

Maybe it was whether they can play golf with a director on a Saturday…

Keeping the answers humourous, what do you think :question:

he owns 40% of the company.

I own 100% of the comany :laughing:

I own 50% of the company :wink:

hes also the md and ower :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Denis F:
I own 50% of the company :wink:

I’d invest in diesel powered nuns… :wink:

At my current one, owns the firm, but we tell him what we’re doing.

At a previous job, he owed the owner alot of money from a failed forwarding company, so worked for him to pay him back. Once he had done this he left.


Denis F:
I own 50% of the company :wink:

I’d invest in diesel powered nuns… :wink:

sorry only just noticed this :blush:

you’ve out anoraked me there, can’t remember that one :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Denis F:

I’d invest in diesel powered nuns… :wink:

sorry only just noticed this :blush:

you’ve out anoraked me there, can’t remember that one :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Next clue: I’d annex the Sudatenland… :wink:
Maybe my age is telling here, I’d agree that it might be obscure hmmm…

got the nuns one now :wink: it’s the start of the “twist of lemming” sketch - which I remember :laughing:

with a little help from :wink:

oh, and you spelt Sudeterland wrong

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Denis F:
got the nuns one now :wink: it’s the start of the “twist of lemming” sketch - which I remember :laughing:

with a little help from :wink:

oh, and you spelt Sudeterland wrong

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’ll own up to that denis (could have claimed that it was a typo, but chose the honest route)- it’s a fair cop, but society is to blame… (another quote)

BTW, you also wrote “Sudetenland” incorrectly :wink:

Glass houses and all that… :exclamation: :wink: