How about some AECs

My favourite lorry of all time is the Ergo cabbed Mandator so come on you lot get some pictures up please.

And who said the trailer needs to be as long as the container??

Hi here’s a pic of my old AEC working for a living
Regards MaggieD

that logger pics is just suberb… :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Here’s another photo that was sent to me from Foden 46, he drove this one for quite a few years.

here is an ergo albion…

Thats lurverly :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Some smashing pictures there. Thanks.

The bloke I worked for had a 4 wheeler Leyland Super Comet which was a popular truck with the drivers, his Brother then bought it from him as his first motor and he is still in business today. The Super Comet has long gone though. :frowning: