Hovis Radial Driver

Hi all, just wondered if anyone had any experience of Hovis Class 2 multidrop? Just wondered about the job in general and the pay really?
Many thanks!

Did the job for 7 years, quitting 5 years ago. At the time each depot had their own set up, pay/ hours/ T&Cs/ etc., so if still the same it will all depend on which area of the country you live in.

It was a good number 12 years ago, but weak union membership and complicit reps eroded the T&Cs year after year. When I left they had just introduced 3rd gen contracts, 10% lower pay than the 2nd gen which were 10% lower than the original contracts that hadn’t seen any pay rises for several years any way. Where I was was salaried, but acceptable as it was job and knock for most of my time there. One of the final straws was the depot manager deciding that as we were being paid for a 48 hour week then we had to do a minimum of a 48 hour week, no overtime if you ended up going over! No idea how things are there now, everyone I retained contact with either quit or retired within a couple of years of my leaving.

As a job it was okay if you could get on with the various backdoor staff and shop managers, they have the power to make your day easy or an absolute hell, most of which is determined by the regular route driver’s attitude to them. A route with 30+ drops could be a breeze whilst one with 15 or so could be a nightmare.

Thanks mate, good to get an honest point of view from someone who has done the job

Went through application process a couple of years back, long winded and nothing to do with driving, online psychometric tests, role play scenarios and finally driving assessment.

As stated if on regular route you get to know drops, if holiday cover it can be a pain finding delivery points/parking.

Was a whole different ball game in the days before that when it was Mothers Pride.
