Hours question sorry

If I started a 5.15 this morning and have not moved since 14.10 can I legally start again at midnight?
Thanks in advance and sorry I’d it’s a silly question.

Assuming you have a reduced break available you are good to go 9 hours after booking off on your tacho.

I’ll not bother muddying the waters talking about split breaks however.

the maoster:
Assuming you have a reduced break available you are good to go 9 hours after booking off on your tacho.

I’ll not bother muddying the waters talking about split breaks however.

Thankyou I appreciate that thanks again Thomas

I will add Thomas that there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers. Never be afraid to ask for advice, you either know something or you dont’t. Taking wild guesses gets you into trouble.

Tbh mate this is basic stuff that you should know before driving for a living. Not having a pop btw but I would advise you read, read and read again the drivers regs, after all it’s your wallet that will get hammered if you screw up. I appreciate that at first glance they look like total gibberish, but stay with it mate and it’ll click into place shortly.

Don’t stop asking questions either.

If you pulled your tacho out at 14:10 and you’re eligible for a reduced daily rest, then you can begin your next shift at 23:10.

the maoster:
I will add Thomas that there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers. Never be afraid to ask for advice, you either know something or you dont’t. Taking wild guesses gets you into trouble.

Tbh mate this is basic stuff that you should know before driving for a living. Not having a pop btw but I would advise you read, read and read again the drivers regs, after all it’s your wallet that will get hammered if you screw up. I appreciate that at first glance they look like total gibberish, but stay with it mate and it’ll click into place shortly.

Don’t stop asking questions either.

+1 you should know the ground basics for day to day running everything else comes with time.

Thanks people I did know it but I thought I’d get a firm answer.
I’d rather ask than just go ahead.
Thanks again i really appreciate it Thomas.

Sorry that makes me sound ■■■■. What I meant was I was pretty sure.
Again thanks everybody

the maoster:
I will add Thomas that there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers. Never be afraid to ask for advice, you either know something or you dont’t. Taking wild guesses gets you into trouble.

Tbh mate this is basic stuff that you should know before driving for a living. Not having a pop btw but I would advise you read, read and read again the drivers regs, after all it’s your wallet that will get hammered if you screw up. I appreciate that at first glance they look like total gibberish, but stay with it mate and it’ll click into place shortly.

Don’t stop asking questions either.

^^^ this is the single best piece of advice to be given on TNUK


the maoster:
I will add Thomas that there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers. Never be afraid to ask for advice, you either know something or you dont’t. Taking wild guesses gets you into trouble.

Tbh mate this is basic stuff that you should know before driving for a living. Not having a pop btw but I would advise you read, read and read again the drivers regs, after all it’s your wallet that will get hammered if you screw up. I appreciate that at first glance they look like total gibberish, but stay with it mate and it’ll click into place shortly.

Don’t stop asking questions either.

^^^ this is the single best piece of advice to be given on TNUK

I can think of one member that may not agree with that! :wink:


Yeah but why worry??!!