hours/hi all

hi all,new to forum,some interesting topics,some not so,and some just strange! but on serious note where can i get full details on hours/regs etc vosa site out of date(might come in handy though if req for defence case lol) :smiley: help appreciated

about nine posts up in the sticky :smiley: :wink:


EU Drivers Hours Reg’s.

This is the up to date one. Its dated Dec 2006, but includes the changes implemented in April this year.

On page 4, the forward, it states

A new EC Regulation on drivers’ hours (Regulation (EC) 561/2006) was agreed in
December 2006 the main requirements of which will come into force on 11 April
2007. The new Regulation clarifies weekly driving limits; requires more frequent and
evenly spread breaks; increases daily rest requirements; and updates exemptions
and national derogations.

Some elements, mainly relating to changes to the existing tachograph rules, came
into force on 1 May 2006 (20 days after the Regulation was published in the Official
Journal of the European Union). These include a change to the number of
tachograph charts that drivers are required to carry with them for the purposes of
roadside checks and the mandatory fitment of digital tachographs in any in-scope
vehicles first put into service on or after 1 May 2006.

This second edition reflects these changes.