Hours help/advice

I had a reduced weekly rest last week , I’ll be finished (at some point) today for a 45 regular rest , does my 45 have to be within the “weekly” period I.e finish before midnight Sunday? Or does it not matter aslong as I have the 45 off? Cheers

I had a reduced weekly rest last week , I’ll be finished (at some point) today for a 45 regular rest , does my 45 have to be within the “weekly” period I.e finish before midnight Sunday? Or does it not matter aslong as I have the 45 off? Cheers

It doesn’t matter smoggie.

You have to start your 45 hour weekly rest within :

6 x 24 = 144 hours (six days exactly)

from when you started your duty last week.

In other words, you cannot be on duty for more than 144 hours
between any two weekly rests.

And, any reduction in your 45 MUST be “paid back” within 3 weeks.
So you may “owe” some rest time for any previous reductions.


This stuff boggles me all the time lol, why can’t the officials put it in drivers language. So the 144 hours includes breaks/poa etc aswell

This stuff boggles me all the time lol, why can’t the officials put it in drivers language.

So the 144 hours includes breaks/poa etc aswell


If you started work (after a weekly rest) at 0800 on Monday, you MUST
start your next weekly rest at or before 0800 Sunday, (six days later)


This stuff boggles me all the time lol, why can’t the officials put it in drivers language.

So the 144 hours includes breaks/poa etc aswell

Ahh makes it easier lol , so I’ll be fine then cheers mate

If you started work (after a weekly rest) at 0800 on Monday, you MUST
start your next weekly rest at or before 0800 Sunday, (six days later)

This stuff boggles me all the time lol, why can’t the officials put it in drivers language. So the 144 hours includes breaks/poa etc aswell

It only gets confusing if prople dont actually answer the question thats asked!


This stuff boggles me all the time lol, why can’t the officials put it in drivers language. So the 144 hours includes breaks/poa etc aswell

It only gets confusing if prople dont actually answer the question thats asked!

Lol true , I know they are only explaining but I’m crap at maths as it is so trying to sort all the numbers together makes it even worse than someone just saying , “start your break no later than ■■■” lol

I had a reduced weekly rest last week , I’ll be finished (at some point) today for a 45 regular rest , does my 45 have to be within the “weekly” period I.e finish before midnight Sunday? Or does it not matter aslong as I have the 45 off? Cheers

A weekly rest does not have to fit within (fully inside) the fixed week (sunday midnight to sunday midnight)

A weekly rest has to be at least one minute in a fixed week so that it can be used for that fixed week


I had a reduced weekly rest last week , I’ll be finished (at some point) today for a 45 regular rest , does my 45 have to be within the “weekly” period I.e finish before midnight Sunday? Or does it not matter aslong as I have the 45 off? Cheers

A weekly rest does not have to fit within (fully inside) the fixed week (sunday midnight to sunday midnight)

A weekly rest has to be at least one minute in a fixed week so that it can be used for that fixed week

Is that 23:59 UTC or 23:59 local time (BST)?



I had a reduced weekly rest last week , I’ll be finished (at some point) today for a 45 regular rest , does my 45 have to be within the “weekly” period I.e finish before midnight Sunday? Or does it not matter aslong as I have the 45 off? Cheers

A weekly rest does not have to fit within (fully inside) the fixed week (sunday midnight to sunday midnight)

A weekly rest has to be at least one minute in a fixed week so that it can be used for that fixed week

Is that 23:59 UTC or 23:59 local time (BST)?

UTC - the regs always use UTC or GMT or ZULU = all the same thing

Good point you made there




I had a reduced weekly rest last week , I’ll be finished (at some point) today for a 45 regular rest , does my 45 have to be within the “weekly” period I.e finish before midnight Sunday? Or does it not matter aslong as I have the 45 off? Cheers

A weekly rest does not have to fit within (fully inside) the fixed week (sunday midnight to sunday midnight)

A weekly rest has to be at least one minute in a fixed week so that it can be used for that fixed week

Is that 23:59 UTC or 23:59 local time (BST)?

UTC - the regs always use UTC or GMT or ZULU = all the same thing

Good point you made there

So on that, if you started your weekly rest at 23:59 BST you would have committed an offence!! or is it not possible to actually do that?

if you started your weekly rest at 23:59 BST you would have committed an offence!! or is it not possible to actually do that?

It would be an offence if you needed that weekly rest to be used for the end of the week because it would be 1 hour late

I imagine it is easy to get wrong if the display is set to BST and the driver has not remembered that the recordings work on UTC


if you started your weekly rest at 23:59 BST you would have committed an offence!! or is it not possible to actually do that?

It would be an offence if you needed that weekly rest to be used for the end of the week because it would be 1 hour late

I imagine it is easy to get wrong if the display is set to BST and the driver has not remembered that the recordings work on UTC

If you had been using an analogue tacho at the end of one week, then a digital at the start of the next (during the period that there is a one hour time difference), could you actually get an infringement for insufficient rest due to the analogue always being local time, and the digital in UTC?



if you started your weekly rest at 23:59 BST you would have committed an offence!! or is it not possible to actually do that?

It would be an offence if you needed that weekly rest to be used for the end of the week because it would be 1 hour late

I imagine it is easy to get wrong if the display is set to BST and the driver has not remembered that the recordings work on UTC

If you had been using an analogue tacho at the end of one week, then a digital at the start of the next (during the period that there is a one hour time difference), could you actually get an infringement for insufficient rest due to the analogue always being local time, and the digital in UTC?

I imagine that has happened but I also suspect that it is likely to be a weekly rest of well over 45 hours

there cannot be that many who have an exact 45 and also change from analogue to digi as well




if you started your weekly rest at 23:59 BST you would have committed an offence!! or is it not possible to actually do that?

It would be an offence if you needed that weekly rest to be used for the end of the week because it would be 1 hour late

I imagine it is easy to get wrong if the display is set to BST and the driver has not remembered that the recordings work on UTC

If you had been using an analogue tacho at the end of one week, then a digital at the start of the next (during the period that there is a one hour time difference), could you actually get an infringement for insufficient rest due to the analogue always being local time, and the digital in UTC?

I imagine that has happened but I also suspect that it is likely to be a weekly rest of well over 45 hours

there cannot be that many who have an exact 45 and also change from analogue to digi as well

It could foul up a daily rest period though! but since you have physicaly had 9/11 hours off, would they do you?

It could foul up a daily rest period though! but since you have physicaly had 9/11 hours off, would they do you?

VOSA would look at the finish time on analogue and know that was BST so therefore adjust for UTC - if they failed to do that then they would start to look very silly

Switching between analogue and digi throught a shift can also seem to cause a doubling of records for 1 hour and no records for another hour but VOSA simply adjust any BST times to UTC

Where exactly in the EU Drivers Hours Regs does it say that times are to be measured in UTC?

The Tacho Regs (an entirely different beastie) talks about time being ‘country of vehicle registration’ for analogue instruments and UTC for digital units.

As there is no mention of time within the drivers hours regs I’d go with ‘local time’ be that; GMT, BST or CET dependant upon time of year and where the truck is registered. For the vast majority of drivers it isn’t going to make any difference anyway.

Perhaps when all vehicles are fitted with digital somebody may have the idea to relate the EU (and possibly AETR) driving Regs to UTC. But that may cause big problems for the folk currently operating on the outer edges of the AETR area. In the meantime, let the enforcement agencies have the headache of working out at what time and in what timezone you committed the offence.

Where exactly in the EU Drivers Hours Regs does it say that times are to be measured in UTC?

It does not but because the digital cannot be changed to BST then I was assuming that to match up all types of records that would be the default method for working it all out - just seemed like the common sense thing to do …