Hottest day of the year last week

Yes,you have guessed it,the thread on how many profeshunols were driving long distance with a full length winter high viz jacket,like the cab heater has broken,and RIGGER boots when your job description does not require them,does it make me a roughty tuffty trucker if wear rigger boots and a lumber jack`s jacket?
Or maybe it is Quaker thing going on,secret hand shake on the fuel pumps,wink wink if are in the know.
There was a post about a driver wearing only his boxers,in all weathers,imagine the look on the VOSA inspectors face when he/she opens the door.

We got a driver who always has his thick hi vis coat on especially this time of year he keeps it on all day long even if he’s driving a couple of hours, personally myself anything more than 10 mins driving it comes off.

Handy if get propelled out of the cab in a crash and dont get run over. :slight_smile:

bald bloke:
We got a driver who always has his thick hi vis coat on especially this time of year he keeps it on all day long even if he’s driving a couple of hours, personally myself anything more than 10 mins driving it comes off.

We’ve got a driver who always wears his polo shirt no matter how cold, never even saw the guy put a fleece on, not even the morning it was -15 in the yard and the shunters had got their freezer suits out.

:smiley: :slight_smile: :astonished:

Went into work one day last year and it was forecast to be 80 degrees so just had a polo shirt and shorts on and my run got changed overnight and had flippin 22 pallets self tip at Lidl, I was absolutely freezing and since then I always carry me coat with me.

Self tipping at Aldi and Lidl,they save on labour costs,self tipping. :grimacing:

i always wander around in the winter with shorts on and usually just a tshirt with no jumper

Ex Special Forces?? :stuck_out_tongue:

im 25…