Hot Work

This morning whilst driving in the pouring rain I just happened to glance down to the temperature sensor on the lorry. This thing is supposed to measure the outside Air temperature. Today must have been a phenomenally hot day, got a feeling that we must have had one of those flash heat waves. The temperature outside the lorry showed an amazing 80.5oC. Towards the end of the journey it went up to 90oC. Me thinks the gauge has had a bad day and went a bit ballistic.

No, it has been a hot muggy day today, my computer is still showing 20’c in the tropical zone of Derby. I reckon we are due some thunder :stuck_out_tongue:

Me thinks the gauge has had a bad day and went a bit ballistic

The sensor might have come away form its normal place and be resting against the radiator. You’ll know next time you start it cold.