Horse Burgers

I can’t believe no one’s started the jokes off yet- so here goes-

Tesco’s have a new offer- BOGOHF- Buy one get one HORSE Free.

The Tesco shop assistant did’nt look too happy today so I asked him “Why the Long Face”

Tesco’s Managing Director has been shouting at people today, his voice has gone Hoarse.

I drive a Man with 440 Horses under my Arse, Tesco use Stobbarts with a Million Horses across it’s fleet, now they’re putting Horses in their Burgers ! How many Bloody Horses do they want ■■

At least it’s put the price of Horses up from £1 to £1.50, The Diddy’s will be happy about that, you won’t see so many tethered to roundabouts anymore. :unamused:

Just went to the fridge to check my Tesco burgers…
And they’re off !!

Is it a coincidence that ‘HAMBURGERS’ is an anagram of ‘SHERGAR BUM’ ?

If you don’t fancy Tesco’s burgers, try their meatballs… They’re the dogs ■■■■■■■■!

My friend ended up in hospital after eating burgers containing horse meat from Tesco. He’s in a stable condition but he still has the trots.

420 horsepower delivering 420 boxes of burgers


Them tesco horse burgers were ok but I preferred my lidl pony.:smiley:

The ultimate fast food-

Red Rum Burgers
Made from 100% prime racing horse.

Ye ha Cowboy Burgers.
Made from tough old nags worn out from all the cattle herding.
Recommended for hard lorry drivers & Australian Women.

Lardy Dah Burgers.
Made from worn out Fox Hunters with the odd Beagle thrown in for extra Woofage !

I was having a burger in Tesco cafe today and woman behind the counter said do you want anything on it? I said Yeah, £5 each way

Tesco are offering all customers who bought the horse burgers a free upgrade to their new high speed mobile internet service 4GG

ive been in hospital to day after eating one of those horse burgers. i’m in a stable conditon now but i have the trots. the doctor says after overcoming a few hurdles. i should be odds on to make a full recovery…

I understand Tesco are gonna sponsor a tv program- 'Neigh’bours.