Hopefully landed my first c+e

hi guys, been for an interview today for my first C+E job, interview went went and was offered the job assuming i complete an assesement drive. Now i know these things arn’t under proper test conditions but my fear is this, I passed my C+E 3 years ago on a wagon and drag and since then i havnt driven an artic, ive been on nothing but rigids. So my assemement drive would be pretty much my first time out on the road in an artic. Im not so worried about the driving as im pretty sure i can manage it but what worries me is the reversing, they want to see i can back onto bays etc.
They know i have no experience but still a bit worried i could balls it up which would be a shame as its a decent job and would love to get on there. :cry:

hi guys, been for an interview today for my first C+E job, interview went went and was offered the job assuming i complete an assesement drive. Now i know these things arn’t under proper test conditions but my fear is this, I passed my C+E 3 years ago on a wagon and drag and since then i havnt driven an artic, ive been on nothing but rigids. So my assemement drive would be pretty much my first time out on the road in an artic. Im not so worried about the driving as im pretty sure i can manage it but what worries me is the reversing, they want to see i can back onto bays etc.
They know i have no experience but still a bit worried i could balls it up which would be a shame as its a decent job and would love to get on there. :cry:

if you have the time & money to do it, why don’t you go on a refresher course at a local training centre to get back into the ‘swing’ of things. It’s like riding a bike so i’vebeen told. You never forget. To stop getting nervous don’t think about what could go wrong, think about what could happen if you do great. If you imagine yourself doing well, and you get the ‘feeling’ of success by imagining it you usually find it’s a breeze. That’s how I’ve got by most of this year at college as something and about the only thing I learnt at school :laughing: :laughing:

So long as you do the assessment drive in a safe manner and you aren’t causing a danger to the public then you should be alright :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Good luck!!! :grimacing: :grimacing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Congrats on getting this far. I suggest you either go to a local school running an artic and have a couple of hours to put your mind at rest or just go and do the assessment. They already know the situation so they wont be expecting perfection. Biggest secret of reversing anything is to take your time, live on the mirrors and don’t be afraid to get out and have a look. More than once if needs be.

Fret not, go for it, enjoy and report back! All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

cheers for the words of encouragement guys.

should be ok, i guess as long as im not jack knifing it onto the bays i should be ok. He said they dont expect it to be docked first time and a couple of shunts is perfectly normal. hopefully the yard will be quiet when i give it a go!
Everyone has to start somewhere :smiley:

cheers for the words of encouragement guys.

should be ok, i guess as long as im not jack knifing it onto the bays i should be ok. He said they dont expect it to be docked first time and a couple of shunts is perfectly normal. hopefully the yard will be quiet when i give it a go!
Everyone has to start somewhere :smiley:

I’d just say so long as you’re not taking the michael in their eyes you should be fine. So long as you do it right and safe you’re fine and dandy. :grimacing: :grimacing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Good Luck with the assesment, hope all goes well, stay cool !! :laughing:

Well i had the assement the saturday just gone and im happy to say i passed :smiley:
Could do with a bit more reversing practice but out on the road i drove without any problems at all. Really enjoyed been out in an artic.
Ive got a start date of 11th july. Im over the moon to be given my first artic job and really looking forward to it, even if the hours are long and unsociable, but been a newby class 1 driver i cant be picky so im gonna give it a go, get some experience and see what happens :smiley:

Congrats on the job!! :grimacing: :grimacing:

What work will you be doing, I’m guessing it will be general haulage?? :smiley: :smiley: Let us know how the first day goes, will you be on days, nights or tramping.

Well done again mate :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

cheers jonny

Its refrigerated transport mainly to RDC’s. Im on days but have been warned that that can mean a start at anytime of the day and should expect 13…14…15 hour days!
Was a bit wary at first as i have a young family and was hoping to be home a bit more but again, as a new class 1 driver i cant really be too fussy can I. Plus long hours means more money. It will do to get me some experience and hopefully then that could lead me to a job with slightly more sociable hours etc.

Very welcome mate :slight_smile:

Hopefully the starts won’t be too crazy but if they’re anything like where my dad works as he’s on days, he’s usually starting work at half 3 and getting in for 4 or 5 depending where he’s going etc. The more experience under your belt the better :smiley: :smiley: Just remember to enjoy it :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Jonny :sunglasses:

thanks again jonny.
im prepared for daft start times but im looking forward to getting started. Im 27 now and wanted to drive artics since i was a youngster! So im pretty excited on that front. :sunglasses:

Be sure to keep us posted on your first day or first week.It’s good to see what goes on in a newbies trucking life :smiley: :smiley: I have a few years to wait myself before I can do one myself but it’s good too read others. I can only imagine the feeling you get the first time being behind the wheel of a truck properly, but if its anything like I’ve imagined I can’t wait for that day too come :grimacing: :grimacing:

Best of luck too you!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Jonny :sunglasses: