Hookloader and drag

:smiley: possibly gonna have too have to couple up to a drag in the near future for a new contract ,never done drag work before ,any advice tips ect would be grateful,i have an 8 wheeler hook dont see many of these with a drag ,its mainly 6 leggers i see, any reason this may be…thanks :confused: :confused: :confused:

If you max out the weight on the 8 wheeler you’ve only got 12t left for bin, trailer and load whereas a 6 wheeler will pull 18t behind it with a triaxle trailer. You’ll be less likely to overload the 8 wheeler than you would with a 6 wheeler, but you’ll have to be careful not to overload the train weight.

:smiley: cheers 8wheeler ,i can see why there are more 6 than 8 leggers lugging drags now,its gonna be food waste in 22yd bins so could be on the heavy side…thanks

When I worked on scrap metal skips our firm had one 6 wheeler with a drag, one day he rolled into Boreham with 2 bins of scrap from East Sussex and tipped the bridge at 56t :astonished: