Home Delivery Driver uses Artic!

Todays front page of my local paper “Hartlepool Mail” carries a
picture and story of a Supermarket Artic which slipped on ice while
delivering to one of their stores on a Housing Estate
and crashed into someones front garden.
I wonder what the driver and the house owner talked about
while they waited for the special tow truck
As most supermarkets do home delivery perhaps the driver
asked the houseownrer if they wanted a delivery as he was
so near!

must have been home delivery service from tesco’s you shop we drop :laughing: :laughing:

You mean this?? :smiley:


Yet another case of “We want the goods but dont want the Trucks”

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The simple answer to this is total disregard for accessibilty to loading areas by the designers, people who probably don’t know what a truck is, never mind how much room they need.

a few years ago when i was doing supermarket deliveries i stopped at my father in laws for a quick cuppa. well he lives in a small village over twenty miles from the nearest store.
anyhow after the tea i goes outside and just as i amgetting into the cab i was assaulted by a little old dear hitting me with her handbag.
she said" when i was in your store the other day your manager told me that you did not do home deliveries in this village" then she demanded the phone number of the store so she could phone up and complain.
44 footers on home delivery :question: what next.

a few years ago when i was doing supermarket deliveries i stopped at my father in laws for a quick cuppa. well he lives in a small village over twenty miles from the nearest store.

Not too far out of your way then! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

bad accident, had to divert :laughing:

bad accident, had to divert :laughing:

and thats your excuse :laughing:

the old ones are the best. :wink:

I take it the home owner did not understand normal supermarket policy. Allowing a truck access to his garden like that without keeping him waiting for an hour or two is just not on.
Allowing home owners to set precedents like this can damage the whole industrys image.


On one trip for the Co-oP out of ■■■■■■■■■■■■ (I was an agency man at the time) I had the first delivery to a brand new store. I arrived at the store and tryed to reverse onto the bay. Try as I might, I could not get square onto the bay, there was a wall, too close to the bay door.
The back-door man appeared and made the usual type of comment. I showed him the problem which he appreciated, surprisingly. :open_mouth:
He got the store manager out, who also appreciated the problem :open_mouth: :open_mouth: .
The store manager got the architect, who was just about to leave, out. He said, the usual type of thing as well, followed by, “I’ve given you 40 feet, what else do you want?”
At the time I had a 45foot trailer hooked up !!!

(Somebody make this work please) Done.L.:wink:
Doh :blush: