I have spoken to four Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Drivers in the last year who
did not receive their outstanding holiday pay when they left their job.

ALL of them have now been paid - two by going to an Employment Tribunal
and two by kicking up a stink with the former employer.

Their total amounted to over £2000.

How many more Drivers have been ripped off with holiday
pay that they have earnt and are fully entitled to ■■?

we used to be allowed to cash ours in if we hadn’t used them all by april.
then another company bought us out. they changed the cut off date to 1st january.
so i asked if i could cash them in, they wouldn’t let me. so i asked for 3 weeks off over christmas, they wouldn’t let me do that either.
so i took the time off anyway. then after 2 days they said “ok, you win, we’ll pay it”.

I would imagine that most agencies are small enough that some bod asking for £2000 in one hit, even if fully planned, is going to cause some wincing, backpeddling, and other procrastination. How quick one gets their holiday pay on demand is a good measure of how solvent a firm is eh? :bulb:

There’s no point moaning about “should be fewer, but larger agencies” since those that ARE large are rife with wages abuse of employees are they not?

“Pound an hour extra” (to mask the umbrella fee) or “holiday pot” (deducted from pay, so it’s actually worse than claiming SSP) are two other examples alongside the “Yeh, sure we do PAYE - (at least we deducted it so we improve our own cashflow on your money that you thought was going to HMRC straight away…)” excuse in this case.

Then there’s the “pay you your tax rebate early - even though later in the year you be entitled to less rebate than previously thought, and have to pay it all back!”
(We do that to mask umbrella fees, and improve our cashflow as well, plus it looks good on the bottom takehome line of the payslip don’t it? :grimacing: )

Company law seriously needs changing in this country to stop such abuses. :imp:

I would imagine that most agencies are small enough that some bod asking for £2000 in one hit, even if fully planned, is going to cause some wincing, backpeddling, and other procrastination.

How quick one gets their holiday pay on demand is a good measure of how solvent a firm is eh?

I have no sympathy for those agencies.

They have already charged the client for holiday pay on a day by day basis.

I guess it is at least £1 per hour so it’s profiteering.

Thanks to this thread, I’ve just reclaimed over £300 back from my agency!

Sam Millar:
Thanks to this thread, I’ve just reclaimed over £300 back from my agency!

My Dear Honourable Sir,

My poor wife has been kidnapped in Nigeria.

Gracious Saviour of my soul, can you please send me £50 so that I can pay
those kidnappers to keep her there ?

Thankyou Honorable Sir.
Oomigoolie Kwatcha.

About three years ago I enquired of the agency (I am still with) as to how much holiday pay I was owed. It turned out I had carried over several days from the previous year. There was absolutely no problem at all and they even asked if I wanted it paid over two separate pay weeks to keep me out of the surtax bracket for the first week.

I have to say that I don’t have any real complaints, work seems to be shared out fairly when things are quiet and if a shift over-runs so as to compromise tomorrow’s start time elsewhere, most of the time they manage to juggle times and drivers to ensure that not only is a job covered, but everyone involved ends up with a job.