Hobby wrecker?

Do you reckon this will come about? If so, when? Will exemptions be made for hobbyists, maybe with limited use? What will it do to the value of non-smart cars. Does it rely on internet connection, or satellite?


IF it’s genuine,.what’s new?
Just another step towards the total control Orwellian 1984 style society they are aiming for, (which is already about 40% in the mix now, look around you)
Just look at how our job has changed in this way since the last 25/30 years, in terms of surveillance, monitoring and control if you want an example…and don’t even go there with the Covid regulations farce.

They know that people will just go with it with very little actual resistance, so it will go on and on until their agenda is complete and achieved, this is just another aspect if it , stay tuned for the next ones.

I don’t believe it-not allowed to drive an old car?
What’s “old”
The classic car industry is worth billions and thousands of people are employed in it.
Really don’t see it happening.not in my lifetime anyway.
I hope!

I don’t believe it-not allowed to drive an old car?
What’s “old”
The classic car industry is worth billions and thousands of people are employed in it.
Really don’t see it happening.not in my lifetime anyway.
I hope!

agreed mate, WHAT no more london to brighton goodwood etc… never happen…

Here in Portugal there are thousands of 25/30 year old cars being driven on a daily basis,the government has decided to made an additional car tax of 25€ per annum for all Portuguese registered cars that are pre 2007,next year the age will be pre 2008,all this is to discourage keeping an older car,there is also a government grant scheme to encourage going new electric,but that’s another story!


Star down under.:
Do you reckon this will come about? If so, when? Will exemptions be made for hobbyists, maybe with limited use? What will it do to the value of non-smart cars. Does it rely on internet connection, or satellite?


After thirty seconds I lost interest in Geoff’s waffle about temperature and “beautiful scenes”, what was it about?

didn’t listen to the you tube guy,but i would have thought us running elderly vehicles will continue to be welcomed by insurance co’s as surely it’s easy money for then,mostly. i’ve a few old motorcycles and an Austin A40 and will hopefully continue to ride/drive them forever :smiley: