highways hgv

Welcome to Highways England’s three-year road-safety initiative, launched in February. It has loaned three HGV cabs to 28 police forces covering the north, the Midlands and the south-east. They will patrol motorways and main trunk roads looking for drivers using their mobile phones at the wheel, a practice that is a factor in an average of two deaths on UK roads every month.

Welcome to Highways England’s three-year road-safety initiative, launched in February. It has loaned three HGV cabs to 28 police forces covering the north, the Midlands and the south-east. They will patrol motorways and main trunk roads looking for drivers using their mobile phones at the wheel, a practice that is a factor in an average of two deaths on UK roads every month.

:bulb: Seen it on the TV

Welcome to Highways England’s three-year road-safety initiative, launched in February. It has loaned three HGV cabs to 28 police forces covering the north, the Midlands and the south-east. They will patrol motorways and main trunk roads looking for drivers using their mobile phones at the wheel, a practice that is a factor in an average of two deaths on UK roads every month.

Good idea, bout time they cleaned up the roads a bit…

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If your so engrossed in your phone that you don’t spot a double manned unit tear arsing up the motorway leaving all other wagons standing you deserve a ticket :laughing:

a practice that is a factor in an average of two deaths on UK roads every month.

Not the primary cause but merely one of the possible contributory factors in just 1.3% of UK road deaths. They seem to spend a disproportionate amount of money chasing this, one could be forgiven for thinking there’s monetary gain as the prime motivator.

one could be forgiven for thinking there’s monetary gain as the prime motivator.

How very dare you! Wash your mouth out with soapy water. Our fine constabulary are only interested in our safety and I have every faith the fine money is not a deciding factor one little bit.
So cynical…