High Miles (km's)

Rob, what exactly did you pull…lolol

Been on 52 plate Merc for past yr should clock 1million ks this week but it is going this week, dont know what day .So hope I manage it

i got 4 cf480 reg 55plates got 700.000ks on clock.there on milk reload 24 7 falling to bits now.

Just sold an M reg FH12 380 that I used as a training vehicle, belonged to Derek Linch haulage originally, had 1.6 million clicks on it :open_mouth: Original engine too

Blimey! All those km´s (=fuel= revenue) and the Govt (God bless em) has the testicles to charge other taxes on top. They must love the transport industry!

So why the punishment :smiling_imp:

ps Im a noob in practise for when it affects my income.

Got my 04 plate XF ssc in Feb 2006 with 146000kms on it. Now on 640000kms.


24–7 365DAYS A YEAR



We had the vehicle on loan for
6months as a trail, VOLVO
were slightly annoyed
when they got it back

total milage was

279,800kms when they got it back
we used to only stop when changeing
drivers or tanks plus when they
being unloaded in the factory,
tanks were preloaded so we just
did a flying change,

Went in last night they had took my moter so never managed the million, Shame it only needed another 2000ks

I drive an actros 06 plate with just short of half a million on it. :laughing:

whole fleet of 53 plate Daf 75 310’s at our depot on or past 1,000,000 km’s not due to be replaced until this time next year :unamused:

These beasts pull double deck trailers (very slowly up hill) up to 34 t gross :unamused:

Can’t beat the high mileage, but I bet I get the low mileage award.

We have an 07 Volvo FH Registered Aug 2007 with 1800km. :open_mouth:
It’s also up for sale if anybody’s interested 4x2 LHD XL cab, i shift, comfort trim.

Was in a DAF CF 380 today,on a ‘W’ plate,with 993,000kms on the clock.


I remember many years ago before repair and maintenance contracts were the normal, either DAF or Leyland did a deal with John Raymond too service trucks as part of the deal, so Raymond then triple shifts the trucks and nearly bankrupt the dealer.

My old 54 plate Actros 2544 is still in the fleet and and is fast approaching the million Kms as is it’s 04 plate brother (both are around the 900,000 mark). My 57 plate was new in December and is just coming up to 100,000 kms.

HI all,
Keep 'em coming well done,just don’t fall asleep at the wheel :laughing: Paul

I was on a 05 plate DAF CF with 545,000 on the clock, it was a 24/7 motor on loacal through the day / trunks at night. Good wee puller though…

I’m driving a Stobart Scania 57 reg and it has up to now done 64554 kms
don’t think thats too much mileage

had a new f12 on a h plate that in the 1st 2 weeks i put 14000ks on and 700000ks on in 2 yrs then a new 144 530 on a x plate 850000ks on in just over 2 yrs now have a new kenworth and have 200000ks in 8 mths

DAF CF 65 51 plate 519000kms hit today.

Was talking to an owner driver the other day with an 07 plate Axor, that he triple shifts 24/7. The truck was registered 12th June 07 and had just covered 342000 kms!!!