High Horse

Why is it people like to get on there high horse straight away?

First time I have been to this site in Heathrow. I pulled up booked in and was told by the high and mighty on the gate to pull forward and reverse around the bend and park on th corner and wait till bay is clear. Whilst just doing that I get this little man walk up my inside with his hand up in the air and tells me to get in the ■■■■■■■ queue to which the conversation went like this,

Me: Is there a queue then, if so where is it"
God: Just get in the ■■■■■■■ queue!
Me: It would help if I knew where this queue is as all I can see is the sites vehicles and one Waitrose vehicle on the bay
God: Wait till I get of bay and then you get on it ( said with a bad attitude)
Me: Alright fella, do me a favour and ■■■■ off and get in to your lorry, and get on to the bay you so love

He walks off and reverses his Artic on to the bay. He then walks up again to my truck

Me: If this is round 2 I suggest you going back to your lorry now
God: I will tell you when to get on the bay…ok
Me: Yeah alright, thanks

From there I get on the bay. I don’t mind waiting, I have a bunk etc so I get my head down but why is it people have to talk to others like ■■■■?


I had a similar situation last night, went from Coventry to Penrith truckstop to swop with a driver from Aberdeen. I started at 20.50 serviced unit , went to get trailer that was suppose to be out 2115 sat there waiting for green until 2200, so already 45 behind , then got stuck on m6 junction 4 to 8 for over an hour, tried hard to make time up , got to Penrith 0230 so 1 hr 15 late , other driver comes running over while I’m still parking going mental calling me everything banging on about how the lot has failed delivery time.
Then throws my paper work at me for my new trailer and marches off. I even went over my drive time by 5 min , so all the effort I made was thrown in my face.

Their lives are dreary. All they can do is try and make others lives the same.


there’s a lot of unhappy people out there buddy,and they like to share their discontentment of life with anybody with a smile on their face :smiley:

talking from experience.

A colleague thinks it’s lazy of us if we try to avoid handballing stuff. An example being I pumptruck the pallet to the doorway, pass the bags to my mate who stacks them. Self appointed senior driver insists it being carried from the lorry. Quite why my method of unloading upsets him is beyond me. He also isnt too pleased that I wont do Saturdays, washing the lorries.

These people act like this because they have comfort and safety of knowing you can’t react in the way you would if they ever talked like ■■■■■ to you in a pub.These are the very people who would quietly nurse their pint of shandy, whilst sat in the corner, minding his own business.

Why is it people like to get on there high horse straight away?

First time I have been to this site in Heathrow. I pulled up booked in and was told by the high and mighty on the gate to pull forward and reverse around the bend and park on th corner and wait till bay is clear. Whilst just doing that I get this little man walk up my inside with his hand up in the air and tells me to get in the [zb] queue to which the conversation went like this,

Me: Is there a queue then, if so where is it"
God: Just get in the [zb] queue!
Me: It would help if I knew where this queue is as all I can see is the sites vehicles and one Waitrose vehicle on the bay
God: Wait till I get of bay and then you get on it ( said with a bad attitude)
Me: Alright fella, do me a favour and [zb] off and get in to your lorry, and get on to the bay you so love

He walks off and reverses his Artic on to the bay. He then walks up again to my truck

Me: If this is round 2 I suggest you going back to your lorry now
God: I will tell you when to get on the bay…ok
Me: Yeah alright, thanks

From there I get on the bay. I don’t mind waiting, I have a bunk etc so I get my head down but why is it people have to talk to others like [zb]?


They want a reaction from you so it ends up in an argument and then they can call your gaffer and get you banned. Just don’t rise to it. I’ll let the comments wash over me and just smile/grin/laugh at them and that annoys them because they’re not getting the reaction they want.

I honestly think it’s a lack of self awareness…they are like that at home with their wives/kids etc and they don’t even know that they’re talking to the real world when at work. I had a driver a few weeks ago who got upset because I was parked across (rather than on) a loading bay (I was asked to, I was delivering a bloody huge fridge and it was easier to fork lift it off from the side than mess about with a pallet truck, it weighed 450 kilos!) and he needed to reverse onto a bay about 20 yards away. He came across to me waving his arms around saying what an inconsiderate ■■■■ I was. I laughed and told him I’d been asked by the company (ok, it was IKEA at Wembley) to park where I was parked and that I’d be gone in 5 mins. He took this as a personal affront and started to swear at me saying he had no idea why he had to deal with ■■■■■■■■■ like me. I offered the explanation that it was because he had such a bad attitude but he just stormed off. I was sooooo tempted to reply, swear back etc but I just bit my lip and shouted “thanks mate, have a nice day” to which I got his impression of Gareth Hunt making coffee.

My lip was bleeding by the time I left. Found the next burger van and got a coffee.

Why go to work and talk to others like ■■■■. Some driver at work seems to have a problem with me having a smile at 4am in the morning :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I have met mostly moaners in this job :smiley: :smiley: might as well bring the wife to work

Yeah, but what really gets me is they are so sure you won’t chin them. Now with me that would be a pretty safe assumption but I’ve got a mate who is an ex cage fighter and I always find it hilarious when he tells me about people half his size with obviously no competition fighting experience giving it the big 'un to him, I mean how nuts are some people, if he snaps, he would flatten them.

Seriously wtf are you on here giving out about it for? Just join the F ing que and get over yourself. Your a truck driver, you obviously should be a mind reader that brings in product that as soon as you get it there, no one wants it so just join the q! Lol

a few years ago i had quite a temper[chilled out since then bigtime]when i was delivering to a school another driver comes up to me and said in no uncertain terms that i had to move my lorry as he wanted to get in i then replied by saying excuse me, quite politely,he then repeated what he said which resulted in me exploding in his face shouting a few choice words and telling him to go forth and multiply,i have never seen a bloke back down so quick and go running back to his lorry to wait,when i finished i went to pull out and he then pulled his vehicle across the entrance,i jumped out walked round to his side and asked if he was a wxxxxr,i said he came in demanding i move my lorry then ten minutes later he was preventing me from pulling out,i said you want to come in, i want to come out,so what is your problem,he then reversed,i thought what a dxxk,the guy in question worked for a well known confectionary delivery company,if someone talks to me like crap with no justification i will not take it,customer or driver,i lost quite a few jobs because of it,nothing to be proud of but its a matter of principle,respect earns respect

other driver comes running over while I’m still parking going mental calling me everything banging on about how the lot has failed delivery time.
Then throws my paper work at me for my new trailer and marches off.

What an empty life he must lead.

Whether the delivery is late or not, the driver still getting paid.

Why go to work and talk to others like [zb]. Some driver at work seems to have a problem with me having a smile at 4am in the morning :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’d say, out of quite a lot I only socialise with about 5/6 drivers at work. The rest I can’t be arsed with. I have no interest in holding a conversation with anybody so boring all they can do is winge about the job (yet would never really entertain leaving), i generally just blank the miseries and crack on.

i also find that if i am in a good mood and nobody will spoil it for me,if i get someone giving me hassel i just agree with them and smile,if someone calls me a wxxxxr i give them the thumbs up and agree,that annoys them more than anything,i learnt a long time ago when i got out of my car to another driver,i started shouting at him and all he kept saying is ok to everything i said,i gave up in the end and stomped back to my car with my tail between my legs,the guy was so calm it was unreal,at the time it was annoying but i laugh about it now years later

Yeah, that’s the way to do it unless you’re up for a ruck of course.

Make sure there are no witnesses or cameras, hold your fingers straight or bent at second knuckle and punch him in the throat. Job sorted.

Yeah, the witnesses & cameras have been many a hot heads downfall…

I have quite a short temper and I’m fairly decent with my fists. Therefore I see no reason at all to put up with the likes of banksman, security folk, other drivers,managers who have no respect and choose to shout and holler when they ought to be polite.

If they throw ■■■■■ and ■■■■■ at me through the window I’ll tend to get out the truck and they’ll tend to belt up.

My last boss was decent about it as he’s very similar to me. New one hasn’t had it yet. But he will no doubt.

the maoster:
Make sure there are no witnesses or cameras, hold your fingers straight or bent at second knuckle and punch him in the throat. Job sorted.

This works

I’m with those who smile and nod. People sounding off are looking for a reaction: if you don’t give it to them, they have no idea what to do.