High cholesterol

I went for a routine check up for cholesterol, had blood tests etc, over the last 18 months it’s crept up slowly despite a diet a fat person would hate. Anyway turns out that there’s an emzyne that brakes down cholesterol and i havn’t got it. Quack said if it had gone unchecked i was in for a heart attack in a few years. Cholesterol at 18 months ago 6.5…12 months ago 7.3 …now 8.4. Should be 4 ish. On tabs now to bring it down. Blood pressures normal and no other probs. Might be worth while getting yours checked…


have been visiting gp , last two weeks for same thing and the odd chest pain, my cholesrerol was 6.3 on first check, im now going up hospital for other check ups on monday doc thinks could be heart issues, hope not, stay off the fatty stuff and biscuits she said, easier said than done if you ask me :frowning:

it realy is hard i have been trying for over 10 years and sometimes give in in a big way, but i try to only eat what i really like, so one day have pud no main meal another day lots of salad . if i have a breakfast fry up instead of fruit and cereal i only have bacon egg & beans not two of every thing or it might be sausage instead of bacon, mix it up until you find your favorites. there are always times when things conspire against you like the meals in the truckstop at newport wales simple food bur heaped on your plate no one likes to waste it, it took me ages to get her to accept i only wanted a few chips. try hard its better than the heart attack i had.

Had it done 6 mts ago, 5.2 :sunglasses:

Ate some peanut’s and you’ll be grand ,they bring it down.

lee mc67:
I went for a routine check up for cholesterol, had blood tests etc, over the last 18 months it’s crept up slowly despite a diet a fat person would hate. Anyway turns out that there’s an emzyne that brakes down cholesterol and i havn’t got it. Quack said if it had gone unchecked i was in for a heart attack in a few years. Cholesterol at 18 months ago 6.5…12 months ago 7.3 …now 8.4. Should be 4 ish. On tabs now to bring it down. Blood pressures normal and no other probs. Might be worth while getting yours checked…


and my doctors moaning at me saying 2.8 cholesterol level is too high :imp:

have been visiting gp , last two weeks for same thing and the odd chest pain, my cholesrerol was 6.3 on first check, im now going up hospital for other check ups on monday doc thinks could be heart issues, hope not, stay off the fatty stuff and biscuits she said, easier said than done if you ask me :frowning:

They did all the checks to me too, hospital over cautious with what happened to stobbie on m56 last week. I had same thing chest pain etc turns out its just excess acid, gave me More tabs to prevent acid production.
Hope all goes well for you lets know what they say. :open_mouth:

this weekend i have to stop all coffee and tea, its hard, then sunday nothing to eat from about 6, this isnt good for me co,s i work nights, then hospital monday