hiab training


i am looking for a known hiab trainer, ideally in west sussex or surrey and hampshire area. What are resonable price for doing hiab course?also what are your experiences in being hiab trained aiding your job prospects?

cheers :smiley:

Hiya mate
I cant help with training in that area sorry but what ever you do make sure you get the remote and attachments operators ticket and certificate :smiley: as most companies will not let you near a Hiab without that now …ive had my manual /sticks ticket for a few months now but just upgraded to remote two weeks ago as i was losing work without the remote part on my ticket … :frowning:
Best of luck mate

hiab work should pick up soon , as the frost is kinda killing work off, summers are always usually busy
as for ticket you need the remote one these dayz as its becomming the norm , mind you I prefer to work off the sticks :sunglasses:

most common type of hiab work will be builders merchants using a hiab equiped with a brick grab attachment,

Yea got to agrea with you on that ukthugz its been a bit on the quiet side here in the north west also like you i rather work with the sticks :slight_smile: exept when its raining mate :frowning: then its a battle having to keep stopping to wipe my glasses clean lol . :blush: but i have got to say i like Hiab work a lot more than i like store and cage work :open_mouth: .

I cant go back to driving a shopping trolley mate… talk about boring
The coffin dodgers can have that.

I’ll be doing mine at EP Training once I’ve got the cash to do it

Speak to Leo at Black Apple Training, he is a bit out of the way in Egham, but no one else could match his price for Grab/Remote.

I had no work straight after xmas, did my HIAB with him on a sunday, had work on the monday and constant for the 2 weeks since :sunglasses:
