HIAB job tomorrow

I’ve had my HIAB licence about a month and tomorrow I have the chance to use it. Any experienced HIAB drivers got any tips?

I have a couple of questions:

  1. When unloading at the side of a road, is it OK to fully extend only the leg on the side that the load is being lifted to? They teach you on the course that both legs must always be fully extended, but how practical is it to have a leg halfway out into a busy road?

  2. How can you tell that pavements etc. are going to be solid enough to take a load? Do people normally use something under the legs to spread the load?

  3. I trained on a hook and have never used a brick grab. Someone told me that you just squeeze the bricks at the bottom as hard as you can. He also said that the brick grab can be used to grab sand.


can you lift heavy weights and stand on one leg

and keep your balance, I THINK NOT !!!

where ever you are working itis your responsibility

to carry out your work in a safe,and secure method

of operation, this means ensureing that theareawhere

you are working is CLEARLY AND CORRECTLY

MARKED as per HSE rules,AS for the pavement

you will find they break if the pressure and weight

are too heavy, you can use wood which wil spread

the weight of the legs,go to the HSE SITE and look

through what it says also trylooking through google

for more information,



ABOUT YOU THOSE IN NEWS REPORTS OF THE DAY: :wink: :smiley: :slight_smile: :astonished: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I’ve only had my HIAB a few months and know how you feel.
I did lift a load off with only leg out at the side I was dropping the load, not to be recommended, but I was having problems with the hydraulics.
Get the place your working for to show you the systems working, and ask if there have been any problems with the truck. I had one recently that kept tripping the hydraulics due to a damaged leg and got told about it after a very frustrating morning getting a full load off.
So far I have always packed under the legs.
The brick grabs work fine, and most I’ve worked with have 4 hooks on them for the sand bags. Make sure the loop on the bags doesn’t slip onto the hook point as you start to lift, the safety catch sometimes doesn’t stop this happening.
Take your time and you’ll be fine, try and remember all the instructors advice.
Good luck.
I enjoy HIAB.
ps. Make sure you’ve got waterproof jacket and breeks! :laughing:

Thanks for the advice, guys.

I know that not having both legs out is far from ideal, but I did once see a truck at the side of a narrow-but-busy road craning with just the nearside leg out. Anyway, I hope my truck has some kind of warning gear that I can use to cone off the area around the offside leg.

I will get in early and try to suss out the gear first. Of course, if there’s a friendly driver there it will be ideal, but it can be the case with agency work that the regular guy is off and no-one else has a clue about the vehicle. It’s not always too clever to ask the wrong person–the agency probably didn’t say that you were a novice as that would put their client off.

If you are only going to be a couple of minutes then block the road, this would be the safest way but you will learn the limits as you go. I seem to remember being told 10minutes was allowable provided you could at anytime stop and retract the leg(s) for emergency vehicles. If you have to do this drop the arm down as far as it will go on the opposite side to the one the legs need retracting on.

Whenever you are putting a leg onto pavement make sure you have the foot on a load-spreading pad. (Plastic or timber) Flags will always break if you put the foot directly on them. Even with a pad they tend to sink a little.
Get as tight into the kerb as you can with the kerb side leg fully extended. Then put the other leg(s) out to the centre lines on the road. (This is not good working practice and should be avoided if at all possible) If the legs don’t have beacons on the ends then get a couple of traffic cones to drop at each one.
Keeping the main arm as low as possible lift the load off the bed keeping it as low as possible, the closer to the bed the better.
As soon as the load clears the side of the truck lower it to within a couple of inches from the pavement. Keep the load as close to the pavement as you can until you are ready to release it.

Always remember the HPLS button is to get you out of trouble NOT into it. Remember this when the customer is asking for his bricks to go a bit further up his drive when you are on max reach!

I’ve worked a few types of hiab since 1990’s first on grab work (haib 140) centre mounted on a 40 ‘ and to be honest there was no need to put the legs down at all. (many roll on cranes don’t even have them fitted.)Working bigger cranes now currently a 30.5 ton bonfigoli lifting cabins upto about 5 tons and I only ever put down the leg to the side I’m lifting. Having said that I know just what my crane will lift. If your pulled up at the side of the road extend and lower the side your lifting and just lower the side your not. If its going to be on either soft ground or a pavement make sure you use a decent size pad. (mine are about 15” sq.)

And remember keep your revs down (about 700rpm) till you get used to the crane. Drop the load to the floor as soon as you can, if the load can only drop 8” it wont turn wagon over if leg sinks, and finally use more than 1 lever at a time, this divides the hyd oil and will move the arm smoother

Got day one out of the way–thanks for the tips everyone.

It went pretty well. The lads at the company were friendly, the truck was equipped with beacons on the legs and cones, the drops were on larger construction sites (half the drops were forklifted off!) and the gear was top-notch.

The only problems I had were that the overload protection kept locking the crane. I found that I hadn’t put the legs down hard/far enough (I was wary of “lifting the vehicle” which all the manuals say shouldn’t be done) and that was causing the safety features to trip the OLP. It’s interesting that this model (a HIAB, not sure which product no.) cuts out at the slightest provocation. If you don’t get the legs down it even cuts out when you lift the unloaded arm clear, e.g when you need to forklift stuff on and off the truck.

Oh, and the other problem–I got covered in ■■■■ from the construction sites.

glad it went weel for you

got my hiab licence in august, not used it since, and the instructor was more interested in passing me and getting his money than actually giving indepth training.

i’ll cack me pants when i have to use it, just hope its all pretty clearly labled and i can figure everything out, with out any injury.

To be fair Mikey, the course is just to familiarize people with the basic safety concepts. Each crane is different and no-one should really expect you to be an expert in a day. The problem comes when an agency sends you on a job with your new ticket and they’ve talked you up to the client as some kind of crane wizard.

Anyway, hope you get chance to use your HIAB because it’s fun. I’ve enjoyed the last 2 days of craning much more than Wednesday’s job: handballing an 18T box wagon full of shoes. And I got paid more…now if only the regular HIAB jobs were as well paid as what you get doing it on the agency.

Got day one out of the way–thanks for the tips everyone.

It went pretty well. The lads at the company were friendly, the truck was equipped with beacons on the legs and cones, the drops were on larger construction sites (half the drops were forklifted off!) and the gear was top-notch.

The only problems I had were that the overload protection kept locking the crane. I found that I hadn’t put the legs down hard/far enough (I was wary of “lifting the vehicle” which all the manuals say shouldn’t be done) and that was causing the safety features to trip the OLP. It’s interesting that this model (a HIAB, not sure which product no.) cuts out at the slightest provocation. If you don’t get the legs down it even cuts out when you lift the unloaded arm clear, e.g when you need to forklift stuff on and off the truck.

Oh, and the other problem–I got covered in [zb] from the construction sites.

Thats exactly what happened to me a couple of weeks ago! Turned out the legs had a fault and tripped the system even though they were fully extended. They had been damaged and not repaired properly. Client told me about it when I went back for my 2nd load after a very frustrating morning :cry:
All par for the course for an agency driver :smiling_imp:

If you end up using a hiab where you are standing on the road to operate the controls (you must always stand on the opposite side to where you are dropping the load) then extend the roadside leg right out. I speak from experience because if you try to be “nice” to the cars trying to get past you, they will take you out at 40 mph ! It’s better to make them wait and be safe.
Also, don’t ever put the boom out over the cab to drop a load - if the hydraulics fail, you crush the cab.
Always unfold the crane from the opposite side to the “elbow”. I know someone who did it from the wrong side, and the crane jumped up and nearly took his head off.
To prevent the truck tipping, always lift the load, then bring the load in as close to the crane as possible, then swivel and then extend.
Don’t forget, as you take weight off the wagon, adjust the legs to take up the slack, and drop the air suspension right down before you put the legs down.
If anyone on site wants you to put a load directly onto a scaffold loading bay, either ask for the certificate for the loading bay and refuse if they can’t provide it, or ask them to sign a disclaimer stating they asked you to do it. If in any doubt, don’t do it - phone the boss if you’re concerned.
Watch out for those wires !
Don’t use the crane if there is lightning overhead !
If anybody tries to walk under the crane or the load while lifting - stop. Don’t proceed until they are clear. Keep an eye open so that you can stop before they get near the lift, and better still get a banksman to keep people away.
If you are using strops - check the label on the strops. They legally have to be tested for the load weights you are lifting and they expire ! Any damage to the stitching can make them illegal to use.
Always make sure the eyes on the strops are completely inside the hook and the clip is closed.
If you’re lifting long loads (packs of timber/steel) attach a rope to one or both ends, and get someone to help guide the load and prevent it swinging.
If you are using strops on pallets, and the load is smaller than the pallet, try to get the strops threaded through the pallet as close to the load as possible - otherwise the pallet edge can collapse and tip the load.
If you are using strops on delicate loads, use corner boards to protect the product from the strops and spread the load.
Most places want you to stack as high as possible, so depending on the size of the loads don’t go higher than 2 high unless you’re still below head height and the load can support it, but maybe 1 more if you bridge it across two stacks.
If you’re lifting packs of timber, put the strops on the other side of the furthest bearer your strops will reach, equal both ends. If there are no attached bearers, then thread each strop through itself and only attach one end of each to the hook . Pull the strops as tight as you can around the load before you lift with the crane.

A lot of those might be obvious, but some things you find out as you go along.
Another silly thing is - check the controls everytime you use a crane. I’ve used cranes which have been identical in every way, same make, same model, same type of truck, but one control is reversed ! I had this on a brick grab crane once, one foot pedal is extend retract, and the other is open or close the grab. Guess what happened when I “extended” a load at about 5 foot in the air !
Another thing about brick grabs - if you’re lifting pallets, then as soon as you can see the pallet, spin it to make sure you have grabbed it properly. If you’ve missed a bearer on the pallet, have another go. Sod’s law says you’ll lose it while it’s in the air otherwise. Depends on the weight of the load of course.
When the grabs finished with, put it on the deck and strap it. Don’t rely on it’s weight to keep it there. Even if you grab a full pallet, still strap it. I always have an empty pallet with my nets on which I put the grab onto then strap over the lot - comes in handy when loading, just undo the strap, chuck both ends on the pallet and lift the lot up in the air out the way.
If you have to unload on a hill, then try to arrange it so that the crane only has to slew downhill, because it’s a pain having to stow the crane and turn the truck round because the PTO can’t provide enough power to swing uphill.
Sometimes they’ll load the wagon with heavy stuff right up the front. The crane won’t lift it properly from there, so just lift enough to take the weight, and retract the extension to drag it closer until you can lift it safely. Of course that’s no good if it’s your first drop and the bed is loaded, so arrange your drops accordingly.
Another obvious one - always do a walkround check after stowing the crane and preparing to leave the site. I know a guy who drove for about a mile before he demolished a bus shelter with his nearside leg ! Good job the shelter was empty. Make sure all the safety pins are fitted too, especially on older type legs that are manual pullout.
Make sure the throttle for the PTO is working properly. A bit of wood holding the foot throttle down is not safe !
I’ve found that if you look after the machine and don’t thrash it, check oil levels, check the pipes for leaks, and generally keep an eye on it, then it will stay safe to use. It was always first job of the day for me, before doing any drops. Fire the truck up and do a dummy run with the crane, legs out, the whole thing. Only takes five minutes and saves turning up on site and having to handball the stuff off :frowning:
I think overall, the main thing is to take your time, and think about what you’re doing before you actually do it - plan each lift. Don’t rush, especially climbing up to the crane seat, or jumping off the bed of the wagon. One slip and it could all be over, and no job is worth your life (or anybody elses).

Always unfold the crane from the opposite side to the “elbow”.

They can also fill up nicely with water if it has rained and give you a soaking, I once took some stuff out and dropped it off in Kent before going on to a collection in Sussex, as I’d had the crane out that morning and it was awkward to use the offside I unfolded from the nearside. However I forgot about the 5 minute torrential downpour in Rye whilst I was queuing in roadworks. I got a soaking.

For most of my loads I’d extend the leg on the side I was unloading and leave the other side unless I had space to get it out, however the foot would always be lowered.

The biggest requirement for operation is common sense really.